Anthem Blue Cross Blue Shield for Connecticut published this last month:
We will utilize the CMS Physician Work Time values to target the number of minutes reported for anesthesia services. Claims submitted with reported time above the established number of minutes will be denied.
If you disagree with a claim reimbursement decision, please follow the claim dispute process as outlined in the Provider Manual. Documentation to support your request will be required.
It seems to me that the open question is whether the provider will make the effort to dispute any denial, or will just pass that on to the patient.
eta: took a bit of hunting, but I found the same publication for Missouri: [link]
Our neighborhood did a Krampus walk last year, and they're doing it again next weekend, so I'm online shopping for Krampus horns. Like you do.
I have ltc trying on Christmas clothes to see what fits. I think she’d rather be at school.
Here's the citation for my earlier post: [link]
That's a good read. Thanks for the link!
Ok, that tsunami warning we just got on our phones here in the Bay Area freaked me the hell out. I miss the sirens.
But it did at least resolve the question that my chair creaking was in fact an earthquake, and not the mouse I thought it was.
Having worked in in-patient rehab for a few years now, I could embroider a "Friends Don't Let Friends Get UHC" sampler, so I could just tap the sign
Holy cow Tsumani warning. SF folks you good? need to leave? -t, Beth?
I think everyone is well out of the potential impacted zones, at least here in the city. I'm not sure of those south of us. Time of impact is forecast for 12:10 in SF.
ETA: You can see the general tsunami map here: [link]
I’m far enough inland to be fine