Saffron: He's my husband. Mal: Well, who in the damn galaxy ain't?


Natter 78: I might need to watch some Buffy for inspiration

Off-topic discussion. Wanna talk about corsets, duct tape, butt kicking, or physics? This is the place. Detailed discussion of any current-season TV must be whitefonted.

meara - May 09, 2024 10:05:54 pm PDT #281 of 2666

Sheryl that sounds really hard. I’m so sorry Mr S has been so rough.

I went back down to the lower dose, because I had kept losing weight (even after I didn’t need to) on the higher dose, but then I gained weight on the low dose and the food noise was back. Booo. So going back to higher for the last two months on this drug. I’m going to miss it so much (but even if I decided I could afford to pay for it, it sounds like it’s impossible to find in pharmacies?)

sj - May 10, 2024 8:55:30 am PDT #282 of 2666
"There are few hours in life more agreeable than the hour dedicated to the ceremony known as afternoon tea."

Sheryl, I’m so sorry. I can’t imagine how stressful that is for you.

Steph L. - May 10, 2024 9:59:13 am PDT #283 of 2666
the hardest to learn / was the least complicated

Jesus Christ, if my Dad doesn’t stop calling Tim’s cell phone after getting voicemail on our landline, I am going to lose my entire shit on him. If he actually cared about talking to me, he would call *my* cell phone after getting voicemail on the landline. But he never calls my cell phone after the landline — he always calls Tim next, and then says he’s “worried about me” because the landline went to voicemail. I don’t actually believe that the reason he calls Tim is because he’s “worried”; I think he 100% does it because he thinks that he's snitching to Tim that his little wife isn’t at home where she should be.

He also doesn’t leave a message on the landline’s voicemail, so he clearly doesn't have anything important to say. He just wants to yank on my leash. I am so tired of that old man’s bullshit.

Steph L. - May 10, 2024 10:01:20 am PDT #284 of 2666
the hardest to learn / was the least complicated

(Spoiler: 90% of the time when Dad calls and I miss the call, I'm either in the basement or the shower, neither of which has a phone extension. Tim knows I don't leave the house voluntarily.) (Although I *am* getting my hair cut and colored with a new stylist in an hour. Pray for my golden tresses!)

-t - May 10, 2024 10:20:36 am PDT #285 of 2666
I am a woman of various inclinations and only some of the time are they to burn everything down in frustration

Your dad has given you a lot of tiring bullshit, that's for sure. Hope the new stylist is great!

Steph L. - May 10, 2024 10:28:09 am PDT #286 of 2666
the hardest to learn / was the least complicated

If I were a betting woman, I'd bet 4 Siamese kittens that he'll call the landline while I'm getting my hair cut and absolutely freak out when I don't answer. I would bet 4 additional Maine Coon kittens that he will NOT follow up the landline call by calling my cell (which I wouldn't answer at the salon anyway).

-t - May 10, 2024 10:42:53 am PDT #287 of 2666
I am a woman of various inclinations and only some of the time are they to burn everything down in frustration

I don't think you will be able to find anyone to give you good odds

smonster - May 10, 2024 10:53:06 am PDT #288 of 2666
We won’t stop until everyone is gay.

Hi darlings! Have skipped and skimmed.

We now want a remake of Bend it like Beckham where the girls are gay and Joe the coach falls for Tony the gay cousin.

Yes please.

Atropa, so sorry your dad is having health mysteries. Glad he is communicating at least. I’m also curious about your supplements, when you have a spoon to spare.

Love all the Shir updates.

smonster - May 10, 2024 10:58:13 am PDT #289 of 2666
We won’t stop until everyone is gay.

And now my stuff:

Staying with Calli was an absolute delight. I petted Liefur and Javi came to smell me while I pretended to sleep, which I am counting as a win.

And I. Got. The. Job. I start 6/24, so the clock is ticking. I’m giving notice Monday. Looking at a place today where I’d have the upstairs area of a condo to myself, with a private bath and sitting area, and would be living with a woman who looks to be in her mid-50s and has a cat. The location is pretty much PERFECT and the rent is in my budget.

So I release the job~ma in exchange for any housing~ma that might be floating around.

Tom Scola - May 10, 2024 10:59:58 am PDT #290 of 2666
Mr. Scola’s wardrobe by Botany 500