Most people is pretty quiet right about now. Me, I see a stiff -- one I didn't have to kill myself -- I just get, the urge to, you know, do stuff. Like work out, run around, maybe get some trim if there's a willin' woman about... not that I get flush from corpses or anything. I ain't crazy.

Jayne ,'The Message'

Natter 78: I might need to watch some Buffy for inspiration

Off-topic discussion. Wanna talk about corsets, duct tape, butt kicking, or physics? This is the place. Detailed discussion of any current-season TV must be whitefonted.

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meara - Sep 23, 2024 9:54:36 pm PDT #2690 of 2690

Omg y’all. So yesterday I went to my friends’ rec soccer game. First one of the season, lots of folks were there, so multiple people to chat with on sidelines, good time. There was a new player who had just been recruited and was trying it out, who was v hot. I cheered friends on and eventually left. Tonight I go to trivia, and one of my usual teammates (who is not a soccer person) brought a couple friends…one of whom is the hot soccer player (call her L, and the other one K). Who showed up while I was telling the story about the random make out the other weekend (because I hadn’t seen these friends in a couple weeks). A little embarrassing but whatever, I tell my story. We play trivia. L leaves a little early but her friend stays. One of my friends brings up the make out thing and I mention that I found out after that she is a cop, which is not hot. And K goes “wait, is her name [name]??!” And it was. And K explains that L knows her and tried to date her but got ghosted by her! I was laughing my ass off because (a) yes clearly this cop has issues and (b) it is a small fucking gay world.

We got second place which means we get to pick a category for one round next week. We picked “old lesbians”

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