Good luck. Try not to kill people. Hands! Hands!

Willow ,'Storyteller'

Natter 78: I might need to watch some Buffy for inspiration

Off-topic discussion. Wanna talk about corsets, duct tape, butt kicking, or physics? This is the place. Detailed discussion of any current-season TV must be whitefonted.

quester - Aug 24, 2024 7:34:04 pm PDT #2261 of 2658
Danger is my middle name, only I spell it R. u. t. h. - Tina Belcher.

So glad he got the x-rays, but maybe he should take a rest day?

Theodosia - Aug 25, 2024 4:48:15 am PDT #2262 of 2658
'we all walk this earth feeling we are frauds. The trick is to be grateful and hope the caper doesn't end any time soon"

I've learned the hard way that just because I can grit my teeth and walk on a painful leg/foot that it's better to rest and heal. Ah well.

askye - Aug 25, 2024 5:35:26 am PDT #2263 of 2658
Thrive to spite them

He definitely should rest. I didn't rest my shoulder which I think is why it started feeling worse.

The second dose of muscle relaxer I took didn't make me feel as out of it but I'm still not taking it before I have to go to work. I can only do 2 of my normal tasks with the work restrictions so I have no idea what they will find for me to do. But I have Tuesday off so that will be another full day of muscle relaxers and rest.

I was talking to Dad yesterday and realized that the remodel at work has really put low level stress on me. It's constant change and issues and no real routine and work is usually my reliable routine . Add to that M's foot, the stress from the floor renovation, the a/c issues, cat injuries, my shoulder and we have M's cousin sleeping on our couch for now it's a week and who knows how long (I asked I was told no one was willing to even suggest a day) and I'm just running on more stress and trying to keep from getting overwhelmed.

And I've been putting off requesting time off to go to Florida because I don't have 40 hours of PTO and won't be then and the whole thought of driving (or flying) down and back is overwhelming.

Dad suggested instead of going to Florida we take a long weekend trip near here to get away. So I ran the idea by M and then tried to figure out where we would want to go. Oct is prime fall tourist season and he can't walk a lot with his back. But I had some ideas but M was like...why don't we just get a B&B in Brevard and we can eat lots of Mexican and visit your mom occasionally and just chill. So we might do that or go to Asheville for a long weekend.

The small victory is I've gotten M's mom to stop doing dishes before 8 am. Our bedroom is close to the kitchen and the new a/c is quieter and doesn't cover the noise as well. She's used to getting up at what ever time to do dishes (3 am, 5 am , midnight).

And I had a really strange dream where reality was rewritten and Buffy the Vampire Slayer was about Buffy being a zombie and the board got changed because of it. Also I had only recently discovered the board. Was weird. Because I was both aware and unaware of the changes. What led up to the change in reality was Buffy being kind of real and cheating on her boyfriend (no characters from the show) and a very convoluted plot of revenge.

Sheryl - Aug 25, 2024 12:01:26 pm PDT #2264 of 2658
Fandom means never having to say "But where would I wear that?"

Timelies all!


Mr. S decided he wanted a pet RIGHT NOW. First he said a fish, now he says a hamster. Either way, we need to set up appropriate living environs before the actual critter comes home. Gary will be away on a business trip from tomorrow to Wed. night(and Mr. S will be with the nanny) so the last plan I heard was for them to get a cage and other stuff for the hamster today, then bring the hamster home Thursday.

We'll see how much of the work of taking care of the hamster Mr. S will do...

DebetEsse - Aug 25, 2024 7:46:10 pm PDT #2265 of 2658
Woe to the fucking wicked.

Sheryl, are you sure it's a good idea to get him a pet, especially on a whim? They're a big responsibility for a kid, and, even if you guys take over care of it, are you confident it would be safe from his tantrums?

meara - Aug 25, 2024 11:19:47 pm PDT #2266 of 2658

Yeah, that sounds like it could end rather traumatically for everyone. Hopefully not.

I wasn’t super smart to plan to take a flight home from my dance weekend that left at nearly 9pm. But then it also was delayed. So I’ll get home after midnight. And in the morning have to go pick up my dog from my friend who has him, and make sure the house is clean enough for the cleaners, and be ready to work by 8am. Eek. Am so sleepy. (Typing to you from the plane which still always feels like The Future). Did generally have a good time though (Friday night wasn’t great but I got over it)

Laura - Aug 26, 2024 5:16:14 am PDT #2267 of 2658
Our wings are not tired.

Today we celebrate lisah's birthday!! I hope that the day is filled with delight and that the year to come goes down in the record books as one of the best.

Laura - Aug 26, 2024 5:25:22 am PDT #2268 of 2658
Our wings are not tired.

black coffee:

I had a most peculiar dream. Many of my dreams are social with parties and gatherings of people known and unknown. This one may have been going in that direction. I was taking my elderly neighbor to the symphony. We were dressed up fancy and she walked over to my house so I could drive us there. Brendon had my Tesla and I had an ancient Jag that I owned decades ago. She got in the car and I put it in reverse out of the driveway. Then I couldn't get it in drive. The dash display glass was cloudy and I couldn't see the gear selections and I couldn't remember the order. I found park and reverse but not drive. Eventually I got it in a low gear and back in the driveway but had to call a cab because I couldn't remember how to drive a regular car. I woke up at this point and don't know if we got there on time.

JenP - Aug 26, 2024 6:25:44 am PDT #2269 of 2658

Happy Birthday, lisah!

lisah - Aug 26, 2024 7:02:42 am PDT #2270 of 2658
Punishingly Intricate

Thanks, Laura & JenP!!!

I have dreams of car driving gone awry all the time.