Yeah, that sounds like it could end rather traumatically for everyone. Hopefully not.
I wasn’t super smart to plan to take a flight home from my dance weekend that left at nearly 9pm. But then it also was delayed. So I’ll get home after midnight. And in the morning have to go pick up my dog from my friend who has him, and make sure the house is clean enough for the cleaners, and be ready to work by 8am. Eek. Am so sleepy. (Typing to you from the plane which still always feels like The Future). Did generally have a good time though (Friday night wasn’t great but I got over it)
Today we celebrate lisah's birthday!! I hope that the day is filled with delight and that the year to come goes down in the record books as one of the best.
black coffee:
I had a most peculiar dream. Many of my dreams are social with parties and gatherings of people known and unknown. This one may have been going in that direction. I was taking my elderly neighbor to the symphony. We were dressed up fancy and she walked over to my house so I could drive us there. Brendon had my Tesla and I had an ancient Jag that I owned decades ago. She got in the car and I put it in reverse out of the driveway. Then I couldn't get it in drive. The dash display glass was cloudy and I couldn't see the gear selections and I couldn't remember the order. I found park and reverse but not drive. Eventually I got it in a low gear and back in the driveway but had to call a cab because I couldn't remember how to drive a regular car. I woke up at this point and don't know if we got there on time.
Thanks, Laura & JenP!!!
I have dreams of car driving gone awry all the time.
I have dreams of car driving gone awry all the time.
It was a holy crap I am too old to drive because I can't remember the order of the gears horror moment. Not cool, brain!
Brains are terrible! Ever since I started my new job I’ve had terrible work dreams where I’m about to be fired or laid off.