Buffy: I was regrouping. Spike: You were about to be regrouped into separate piles.


Natter 78: I might need to watch some Buffy for inspiration

Off-topic discussion. Wanna talk about corsets, duct tape, butt kicking, or physics? This is the place. Detailed discussion of any current-season TV must be whitefonted.

Steph L. - Aug 14, 2024 10:12:58 am PDT #2104 of 2667
the hardest to learn / was the least complicated

Oh how weird, Steph—it didn’t have any info on it?

No, which is frustrating! Because DoorDash will have a receipt with a house number, so we know it belongs to the next-door neighbors. This one is a mystery. (Though maybe I should check the bag one more time to see if there's any kind of identifying info.)

Steph L. - Aug 14, 2024 10:16:46 am PDT #2105 of 2667
the hardest to learn / was the least complicated

Okay, definitely no kind of receipt or any other identifying info. Nothing written on the bag, nada. I hope whoever ordered it sees my FB post.

Gudanov - Aug 14, 2024 10:46:13 am PDT #2106 of 2667
Coding and Sleeping

Okay, Democratic party: please continue to not fuck shit up. Run with the inflation news.

It's been so weird seeing the Dems in array lately.

-t - Aug 14, 2024 10:54:34 am PDT #2107 of 2667
I am a woman of various inclinations and only some of the time are they to burn everything down in frustration

AOC tweeted "Dems in disconcerting levels of array" which I love

That does sound hella awkward, Jess, but now it's all handled and you get an adulting gold star!

PInky toes hurt way more than seems reasonable whenever they get smashed

I have been musing a bit on Romantasy mostly because the word itself makes me think someone is getting their head bitten off (which I might want to read about, honestly, but it's not really how they go). I have found myself weirdly resistant to micro genre descriptions even when they are of things that I know I like and I just today figured out that it's because they feel like they come with checklists that qualify whatever it is to be classified in them or not and that's the part I don't like. Maybe I can reframe the whole thing in my head now.

meara - Aug 14, 2024 10:58:26 am PDT #2108 of 2667

I often enjoy Romantasy but somehow hate the idea of it being a genre. Maybe because then everyone writes in it and there’s more and more dreck to wade through?

AOC tweeted "Dems in disconcerting levels of array" which I love

Hahah that is so true.

Steph so very weird that there’s nothing there! Boo Walgreens, and poor person who is maybe out there looking at a photo of a delivery going “well that’s not MY porch but fuck if I know whose porch this IS a picture of!”

Steph L. - Aug 14, 2024 11:04:39 am PDT #2109 of 2667
the hardest to learn / was the least complicated

poor person who is maybe out there looking at a photo of a delivery going “well that’s not MY porch but fuck if I know whose porch this IS a picture of!”

That's happened often enough with Amazon that I can now identify the porches of the 3 neighbors who are most likely to have mis-received our package.

-t - Aug 14, 2024 11:39:05 am PDT #2110 of 2667
I am a woman of various inclinations and only some of the time are they to burn everything down in frustration

then everyone writes in it and there’s more and more dreck to wade through?

That is definitely a thing. I feel like I see both titles and author names that are trying to trick me into thinking they are something I already like when they are actually crap. But sometimes I think that and they are new to me but actually good! It's hard to navigate

Steph L. - Aug 14, 2024 3:26:52 pm PDT #2111 of 2667
the hardest to learn / was the least complicated

Success! The Walgreen's delivery *was* for the next-door neighbors; Tim just went next door to double-check, since they hadn't answered the door when I knocked earlier. All is right in the world! Or at least on my street.

askye - Aug 14, 2024 3:52:09 pm PDT #2112 of 2667
Thrive to spite them

Glad the deliveries went to the right place

Lovey has come out of hiding a few times but always escapes back to the guest room before Mom can shut the door. I think she was prioritizing getting medicine over cutting off an escapee route. He actually came out for attention and she said he looked good . No stitches pulled.

There is now rampant speculation about who will be the new store manager and when it will happen .. my team lead was talking to someone else and then looked at me and said "you didn't hear this" and I told him there is a lot of stuff I haven't heard lately.

askye - Aug 14, 2024 3:57:48 pm PDT #2113 of 2667
Thrive to spite them

I made the mistake of reading a transcript from Charlie Kirk.... apparently Russia invaded Ukraine because Harris said that Ukraine wanted to be a member of NATO in a speech and that is not all her fault but mostly her fault.