I found another piece of clothes with bleach spots. I have no idea what M's Mom does to get bleach in spots on my clothes. ...I'm going to replace all the bleach bser cleaners with Clorox non bleach cleaner.
E will be flying in tomorrow! I won't see him until Friday but yay I'll see my nephew. Hopefully we will hear more about his Greece trip and not just that it was "fun".
Part of the remodel at work is delayed, the actual construction part because of a permit that is needed. Best case scenario it comes through in 2 weeks and we are only 2 weeks behind. It's for the pharmacy, right now they are in a temporary pharmacy...it looks like a fort in the store.
Walmart is raising their base pay back to $15/hr. So I'll be getting that "raise" soon. Until they decide to take it away again I guess.
I keep reminding myself that because we live with M's mom it's possible for us to have things we would to be able to afford if we rented a place. So I need to keep reminding myself of the frustrations we get a pretty yard , a nice location and it's cheap.
This morning, turned on the TV to my favorite line in Prophecy Girl “Read the signs! Tell me my fortune!”
Still makes me verklempt almost 20 years later.
Timelies all!
We can't seem to get a break here. I got home and Mr. S and the nanny were waiting for me.(Usually he doesn't get dropped off until after 6, close to when Gary gets home.) Things went fine for a while, we put together a lego-ish kit to make a kitty, I warmed up some food he brought home for him and he watched Netflix. All of a sudden he kicks over a small chair, grabs my purse, dumps it out, grabs my phone and locks himself in the bathroom. He then calls 911, and breaks my phone. The police arrive and he tells them he wants to go to the hospital. Meanwhile I'm crying. This is not helped my the cops telling me I need to be the parent, need to be calm.(My inner voice is all "Fuck you very much", which stays inner.)
Eventually Gary gets home and agrees to take Mr. S to a facility with a behavioral center that is 40 minutes away, rather than the nearby ER where he might encounter the same nurse who told him on two separate visits to consider relinquishing custody.
Oh, Sheryl. I’m so sorry. Such a rough experience and to have it be made worse by the people who are supposed to be helping. I can’t do anything but sympathize, but I certainly am doing a lot of that!
Sheryl, I'm so sorry. That is all so hard. It's also such an example of where we need first responders that aren't all police.
Hugs, Sheryl. I am so worried about Mr S, you, and Gary.
Today is Shir's birthday! I hope that you are having a lovely day. We all hope to see that this is the year where sanity, kindness, and peace come for you and yours.
The official calendar also indicates that today is Sheryl and Gary's anniversary. Sending hugs. I'm sorry that you aren't getting the help you need and deserve.
Sheyl, I'm sorry it's so fucking hard and that outside help is not what it needs to be. I do hope you can enjoy your anniversary.
Happy Birthday to you, Shir. What Laura said so beautifully is my wish for you as well.
Encouraging news on prisoners being released from Russia. The families must be overjoyed.