Oh, wow. This place looks great. Oh, I feel like a witch in a magic shop.

Willow ,'Help'

Natter 78: I might need to watch some Buffy for inspiration

Off-topic discussion. Wanna talk about corsets, duct tape, butt kicking, or physics? This is the place. Detailed discussion of any current-season TV must be whitefonted.

JenP - Jul 27, 2024 9:20:47 am PDT #1798 of 2583

Which apps do y'all use?

I use good ol' Fitness Pal.

I've been making Greek yogurt smoothies w/ oat milk, fruit, and protein powder, and then I feel virtuous about my "milkshake," ha!

And I don't know what it is, but I have been absolutely craving hamburgers for the past few weeks. Well, I do know part of what it is is the yummy fat, which I'm supposed to keep low... so there's that. But I treat myself. Life is for living, and I'm going to eat me a burger from time to time.

askye - Jul 27, 2024 9:34:16 am PDT #1799 of 2583
Thrive to spite them

Wal Mart is leaning heavily into keto and high protein stuff. With the remodel going we are getting a lot of things, I'm not sure how well they will do at our store (so I'm looking forward to when we stop selling some things and I can grab some clearance deals), I'm thinking about starting to have some of the protein oatmeal options for a snack.

Also the one product type that really amuses me is Porq panko ...it's not panko, it's pork rinds that are ground up. It amuses me because , well you could just grind your own. Also I'm amused that ground up pork rinds for a coating on food is considered better than bread crumbs.

Steph L. - Jul 27, 2024 10:16:42 am PDT #1800 of 2583
the hardest to learn / was the least complicated

Tracking is the only way I have ever successfully lost weight. Which apps do y'all use?

I use Cronometer and really like it.

Steph L. - Jul 27, 2024 10:19:04 am PDT #1801 of 2583
the hardest to learn / was the least complicated

We’re leaving for vacation today and are only an hour behind our optimistic departure time. This is our first time taking a long trip in the hybrid, so I’m curious to see how it does, fuel-wise.

Calli - Jul 27, 2024 10:35:43 am PDT #1802 of 2583
I must obey the inscrutable exhortations of my soul—Calvin and Hobbs

I just stopped keto last week. I read that more than 6 months straight can have unfortunate side effects, so I’m transitioning to a slightly less restrictive low carb. It’ll still keep me from eating my own weight in pasta, so I’m calling it good.

David Cameron

David Hameron, rather.

Laura - Jul 27, 2024 11:12:27 am PDT #1803 of 2583
Our wings are not tired.

Which apps do y'all use?

I use Carb Manager, which is fine for any diet, you just plug in the goal percentages for carbs/fat/protein, or anything else like fiber. They have most restaurant menu items, and it is easy to add your recipes.

The last time I did Keto for a full year and lost 60 pounds. (Docs thought that was a perfect rate of loss, sigh) I've only been on it again a month, but I'd like to just stay on it forever. It is easy enough now with so many keto products. My doctors feel it is good for me with the family history of diabetes (all 3 siblings are diabetic) and the seizure history. They say I can stay on it forever. Not only did my sugar numbers go down but my cholesterol dropped too. That could be my focus on keeping my fiber numbers high.

Atropa - Jul 27, 2024 12:05:58 pm PDT #1804 of 2583
The artist formerly associated with cupcakes.

I lose weight when I track, but doing that also tips me back into flirting with an eating disorder, so I really shouldn't do it. I need to get back to making sure my meals are heavy on protein and veg, but both Mr. Loomy and I are bad at meal planning. And cooking.

In related news, I have found a physical therapist! My intake appointment is next week. Best of all, the PT place also has a gym with a pool. Water aerobics, here I come.

JenP - Jul 27, 2024 12:57:26 pm PDT #1805 of 2583

Ah, pool. I want to get back to swimming. I will get back to swimming!

I just wrote my first ten of 500 postcards to swing states. State. Arizona. If I write ten per day, I will have them all done by... wait a sec. I think I calculated wrong. Hold on. Yup -- I think I left September out! If I write FIVE per day, I will be done by Oct. 17, and then I mail on Oct. 26. Plenty of time.

And I have a head start of five today, heh. I'll need to catch up on putting stamps on when the stamps I ordered get here, but that's a breeze.

We're going to see Beck at Wolf Trap tonight with the Natn'l Symphony Orch. Should be fun. And while it's hot, it's not super humid, so it'll be pleasant. Tomorrow is Deadpool & Wolverine!

lisah - Jul 27, 2024 1:15:29 pm PDT #1806 of 2583
Punishingly Intricate

The Maintenance Phase episode about how the obsession with getting “enough “ protein started is fascinating. Well, like all their episodes are.

JenP - Jul 27, 2024 1:21:03 pm PDT #1807 of 2583

For me, my doctor wants to make sure I'm getting enough protein because of the Ozempic and potential muscle loss. One of my numbers was a little low most recently. Fat restriction is because of my funky gut and metabolism post surgery.

I've never listened to Maintenance Phase. I'm going to check it out. (Er, I'm assuming it's a podcast.)