Willow: Yes. Hi. You must be Angel's handsome, yet androgynous, son. Connor: It's Connor. Willow: And the sneer's genetic. Who knew?

'A Hole in the World'

Natter 78: I might need to watch some Buffy for inspiration

Off-topic discussion. Wanna talk about corsets, duct tape, butt kicking, or physics? This is the place. Detailed discussion of any current-season TV must be whitefonted.

DavidS - Jul 20, 2024 10:01:40 am PDT #1639 of 2652
"Look, son, if it's good enough for Shirley Bassey, it's good enough for you."

Good luck, Calli! I hope Aimee is safely arriving in AUS after her 7 hour layover.

ETA: Per her FB post, Aimee Star is still in the air although approaching Australia now.

So it made my break a lot better.

Sounds like a good investment then.

I got out of the house before 8 to do my run. I've been slack this week but Matilda has been busy cleaning her room ("I want to get my shit together," she declared) and I'm catching productivity vibes from her.

Laura - Jul 20, 2024 10:41:52 am PDT #1640 of 2652
Our wings are not tired.

I was pretty much off computer through my trip to Florida, which was pretty awesome, but y'all were missed.

My return flight to NY was scheduled at 3 yesterday, with a 3-1/2 hour layover at LaGuardia, then a puddle jumper to Albany. It was delayed until 6, making it possible to make the connection so I headed to the airport. In line 2 people from TSA check-in I get a text delaying the flight until 8, which would mean a missed connection. Not wanting to sleep in the airport I called DH who made a U-turn and brought me home. The line for rescheduling at the counter was several hundred people. Went home and opened a couple browsers, and stayed in the hold queue with Delta to attempt a reschedule for almost an hour when I got a text that the Albany leg was now delayed making connection possible so we ran back to the airport. (fortunately very close to my place) Got to the gate while they were boarding and got all comfy in the plane. Except then they say we are pushed back again and sit on the tarmac. When we did take off I was down to a 15 minute window to get my next flight. The ~ma was with me and the gate for the commuter flight was 72 and I landed at 70 so I boarded after a quick restroom stop. That flight waited for a bit for others connecting, which everyone more than understood. Got to Albany at 1AMish and to my son's place at 2:30. I slept on his couch and drove home this morning. Got to Otter Lake with 8 miles to spare because I didn't want to stop and charge. I was one of the lucky ones. There were people stuck in all 3 airports having to find spots to sleep.

In much better news, my friend finished the mural in my condo and I am over the moon with the joyous color added to my life.

Sometimes it hits me all over again that he's just a shitty, failed businessman and a game show host.

The hits keep coming. I still am capable of being shocked, but it takes a lot more now. I just have to hope that sane people don't respond to pollsters and that the majority doesn't find this vile human an acceptable choice.

Shir, so good to see you. Have been thinking about you.

Yes, I think about you and yours so often. Miss you.

Both Dylan and car returned undamaged AND he made bacon for lunchtime BLTs. I think this kid's a keeper.

Well done, Dylan!! A keeper indeed.

Mostly I'm just very very angry and ready to argue with idiots on the Internet.

I'm trying to work myself up for that because it doesn't come naturally. But idiots. And it can not stand.

I will eat soup when it’s hot out. I love soup.

I love soup year round. Mmmm soup. My issue is that I need to halve the recipes because I end up with way too much otherwise.

Thank god they have so many protections to prevent laptop theft. It's actively stopping me from using the laptop.

I am so frustrated on your behalf. This should not be so complicated. I was hoping to see a resolution before I finished catching up.

Apparently That Former Presidents incoherent rambling speech went well past midnight, leading Emily Nussbaum on Bluesky to say, “Man, just ascend already” which is making my morning.

I planned on watching, then did other stuff. Sincerely grateful that I didn't because those who watched it regretted it.

I love how when Biden has a verbal stumble the political commentary is all, “Biden’s senility advances,” but when Trump goes on an incoherent ranting ramble that’s just Trump being Trump.

And the newscasters, who speak for a living, misspeak on the regular, as do all of us, and that is just normal. Which it is!

The solution to this IT problem is for IT people to tediously, manually fix every single machine that's been affected, so I imagine that's what's got Scola reconsidering his career.

Insane! I was in the Ft. Lauderdale, NYC, and Albany airports and all their screens were blue. Talked to one IT dude at FLL who was going from screen to screen with an operating system on flash drive. I was at the gate about 20 minutes and he had only managed to get to a command prompt. No clue how long this is going to take.

(I did bring in muffins for the Windows team that sits two rows over from me).

You are a good man, Tom.

Asking for -ma for my mom's friend's grandson...it's a saga, apparently, and not mine to post anyway, but thought I'd ask for a good thought for Branden, anyway.

You got it.

Laura - Jul 20, 2024 10:51:54 am PDT #1641 of 2652
Our wings are not tired.

Also, I was stunned that the dude who shot Trump flew a drone over the event hours earlier. Clearly, Trump only has his flunkies for security. I find him despicable, but it is the job of the Secret Service to keep him from being shot.

Calli - Jul 20, 2024 12:39:07 pm PDT #1642 of 2652
I must obey the inscrutable exhortations of my soul—Calvin and Hobbs

My rescheduled flight was borked, too, so it looks like staycation time for me. I mean, there are worse places to be. I’m a little bummed. But a friend picked me up at the airport and stopped for lunch at a place that serves huge margaritas, so I’m feeling a bit better now.

DavidS - Jul 20, 2024 1:38:07 pm PDT #1643 of 2652
"Look, son, if it's good enough for Shirley Bassey, it's good enough for you."

But a friend picked me up at the airport and stopped for lunch at a place that serves huge margaritas, so I’m feeling a bit better now.

That's a good friend and a good pivot.

askye - Jul 20, 2024 3:13:13 pm PDT #1644 of 2652
Thrive to spite them

This is the start of a new work week for me. Like last week it is starting out as a shit show. I was late. Not my fault there was some event with cycling that meant a very long delay along my usual route.

I would love to tell you what event but I can't find anything. I think it might have been a. Triathlon but I'm not sure. I googled various versions of cycling event near me and looked on various events calendar but nothing definitive was found.

There should have been signs only the road letting people know of extremely long delays on the highway. For half the time of the delay I thought it was a horrible accident.

And then just more work fuckery. The entire overnight crew is made up of Tinos (except one guy). We had to pull half gallons of milk because they were mislabeled and tbis was communicated to the overnight team lead AND they put it out! I had to pull all of them again.

BUT once again M is going to not only have dinner waiting for me but a bath for after dinner relaxing. Because he is made of awesome.

askye - Jul 20, 2024 3:14:00 pm PDT #1645 of 2652
Thrive to spite them

I'm sorry you have to do a staycation. But yay margarita

Steph L. - Jul 20, 2024 4:08:54 pm PDT #1646 of 2652
the hardest to learn / was the least complicated

BUT once again M is going to not only have dinner waiting for me but a bath for after dinner relaxing. Because he is made of awesome.

Gold star for M! No stars for the rest of your day. Ugh.

lisah - Jul 20, 2024 4:52:58 pm PDT #1647 of 2652
Punishingly Intricate

Solid work, M!!

brenda m - Jul 20, 2024 6:17:30 pm PDT #1648 of 2652
If you're going through hell/keep on going/don't slow down/keep your fear from showing/you might be gone/'fore the devil even knows you're there

Popping in to vent a little if you’ll indulge me. I’m out seeing Common. Common! For free! And I’m with some of my closest friends, who I love dearly. But we are also on day 2 of going out and they are all the type to get grumpy and bitchy when things aren’t exactly according to plan and I don’t know if I have enough wine to deal with this bullshit. It’s a beautiful Saturday night. Shake it the fuck off. Yes we were late. Yes we had to wait in a line. Where the fuck else do you have to be right now?

Anyhoo. J-HUD is about to come out (unannounced - nobody knows but my sis is staff) and this crowd is going to lose their absolute shit and I cannot wait.