I wanna die in bed surrounded by fat grandchildren, but guess that's off the menu.

Jenny ,'Bring On The Night'

Natter 78: I might need to watch some Buffy for inspiration

Off-topic discussion. Wanna talk about corsets, duct tape, butt kicking, or physics? This is the place. Detailed discussion of any current-season TV must be whitefonted.

Laura - Jun 16, 2024 7:13:36 am PDT #1136 of 2700
Our wings are not tired.

Happy Father’s Day to the excellent Buffista dads! We do have some great ones around these parts. Sending love to those who find this a painful day.

I’m so grateful that I had such a wonderful partner in raising the boys. He was always there for us. Encouraging and supportive at all times. My dad was a good man who loved us, but we were “Mary’s children”. He loved us because we were a part of her. He didn’t understand kids and didn’t know how to relate to them. After I was maybe 25 we were able to communicate and enjoy each other’s company. With Mom the kids came first, with Dad she came first, so that meant we had to.

He never did all the kid activities the way Brendon did. It was mostly him in the early years with the baseball, soccer, basketball, fishing, camping and continuous active boy wrangling. They only knew unconditional love and support. The coaching continues with dozens of young men looking to him for guidance even after grown with children of their own.

tl;dr I’m fortunate and grateful.

JenP - Jun 16, 2024 8:09:36 am PDT #1137 of 2700

Happy Birthday, askye!

Calli - Jun 16, 2024 11:37:26 am PDT #1138 of 2700
I must obey the inscrutable exhortations of my soul—Calvin and Hobbs

Happy birthday, askye!

I miss my dad. He was a good one.

Sheryl - Jun 16, 2024 12:15:03 pm PDT #1139 of 2700
Fandom means never having to say "But where would I wear that?"

Timelies all!

Happy Birthday askye!

Happy Fathers Day to all the Buffista fathers and father figures! As usual, today has been all about what Mr. S wants to do. Right now he and Gary are at the pool. In a little bit we'll go out to dinner.

Laura - Jun 16, 2024 1:17:00 pm PDT #1140 of 2700
Our wings are not tired.

My sister and I went to the movies last night with her 14-year-old grandson. I almost never go to the movies at home, but go probably once a week when I am up here to support the nice old hippie couple who restored the 101 year old Strand Theater in Old Forge. Last night it was Remembering Gene Wilder. I'm sure I've mentioned before that the man who played Charlie as a 12-year-old child is a veterinarian here and he came and introduced the film, and took questions after. He, like many of the locals, goes out of his way to support the theater. It was awesome! There were probably 50 people in the theater, which is a huge crowd here. They asked lots of good questions about his relationship with Wilder, the making of the movie, and his life as a vet. He said there are only 5 of them left now from the movie including 4 of the children and the youngest oompa loompa.

My great nephew has never seen any of the Wilder movies so that may happen this summer since he loved the remembrance.

smonster - Jun 16, 2024 2:12:26 pm PDT #1141 of 2700
We won’t stop until everyone is gay.

Popping in to say hi and I CAN HAS LOCALISTAS. It feels so good just knowing i have multiple Buffistas in relative proximity.

They're helping but they're just working your last nerve at the same time!

I figured you could relate, Hec.

Haphazard mini-meara from memory: sending you and your dad love, Atropa.

Re: advanced directives, my brother went ahead and did all that stuff for himself after my mom died. I need to get on that after I settle in a little. I don't have a will or anything yet.

Deeply personal feminist rant ahoy.

Laura, i am specifically talking about Men Not Following Directions, and in this case three of the four were being paid money by me! To handle My Stuff. And the fourth was a neighbor who volunteered to help (and never listens. I was desperate, okay? I didn't think he could fuck up taking down curtains but he did). So yeah, this is a gendered thing.

Which was confirmed Saturday because my unloading crew was four women and one of the least toxic cis dudes I know, who i still had to check for talking over me.

As for the taking boxes off me, it is a bodily autonomy thing. If I am in bodily possession of an item you Do Not take it away from me without at least eye contact. I have had a heavy backpack ripped from my back when i was on stairs without asking permission which nearly subluxed my shoulder.

I have had Facilities employees take recycling bins from me. I have had bosses carry a ladder for me. Like, sweetie, it's my literal job. Trust that i can manage without you. Maybe try *asking* if I need help and then not asking if I'm sure ten times, because that strongly implies I don't know my own capabilities.

Women don't generally do that (though i have done it for other women and am working on not doing it) and some of the first carpenters I worked with, two crusty grumpy dudes in their 40s, didn't do that to me.

Hell, my most recent boss took me off helping move a scaffold full of very heavy lumber instead of his son. Who had just run over his own foot because he didn't listen to his dad's instructions to go slow. Never mind that I have been doing this for decades and P works in tech. Or that my center of gravity is lower. Or that I played rugby for five years and thus can move the cart more efficiently than they can, and more safely because they were doing it straight up and relying on upper body strength.

But I'm just the little woman with a bad back, even if G used to call me "Muscles." This is the difference between being perceived as an equal vs a token Strong Woman (TM).

Shifting topics, Drew!! Talk to me about Pair Eyewear! I wonder if i can get insurance to pay for them. I've been curious since I started seeing ads for them.

Laura - Jun 17, 2024 3:00:08 am PDT #1142 of 2700
Our wings are not tired.

Welcome to Monday, Buffistas! Today we celebrate the birth of Cass! Happy birthday wishes in abundance. I hope that you are being spoiled today and that the year to come is filled with happy surprises.

smonster - Jun 17, 2024 5:06:20 am PDT #1143 of 2700
We won’t stop until everyone is gay.

That probably should have been a journal entry. It's been a very frustrating few weeks.

JenP - Jun 17, 2024 5:48:44 am PDT #1144 of 2700

Oh, I'm glad you shared that here, smonster.

Separate note: Happy Birthday, Cass!

sj - Jun 17, 2024 8:42:29 am PDT #1145 of 2700
"There are few hours in life more agreeable than the hour dedicated to the ceremony known as afternoon tea."

Happy Birthday, Cass!!!

smonster, yay on having more localistas!!!

I'm resting and recovering from Father's Day for part of today, and then I have to get the teacher gifts together for the end of the school year.