Um, well, we listened to aggressively cheerful music sung by people chosen for their ability to dance. Then we ate cookie dough, and talked about boys.

Giles ,'Get It Done'

Natter 78: I might need to watch some Buffy for inspiration

Off-topic discussion. Wanna talk about corsets, duct tape, butt kicking, or physics? This is the place. Detailed discussion of any current-season TV must be whitefonted.

NoiseDesign - Jun 14, 2024 5:26:46 pm PDT #1126 of 2700
Our wings are not tired

What website are people buying eye glasses from these days?

My latest glasses came from Pair Eyewear and I'm loving changing the frames all the time.

Sheryl - Jun 14, 2024 5:54:44 pm PDT #1127 of 2700
Fandom means never having to say "But where would I wear that?"

Erika,pix, I had the same thought. Not like he'd tell me the truth if I asked him anyway...

dcp - Jun 15, 2024 8:01:24 am PDT #1128 of 2700
I have grown older, but not up.

::sniffle:: ::hack:: ::cough::

Covid test is negative, yay!

I hab a code, boo!

sj - Jun 15, 2024 9:34:33 am PDT #1129 of 2700
"There are few hours in life more agreeable than the hour dedicated to the ceremony known as afternoon tea."

Thanks, Pix and ND.

We’re having the family over for Father’s Day tomorrow, and we’re so behind on where we usually are because I’ve had painsomnia all week and have gotten nothing done. Plus I have to get the teacher gifts together before Tuesday. I just got back from the store with ltc so she could pick out a few things for TCG, his main gift being a renewal of our membership to the local art museum. And I’m exhausted and want to go back to bed. Also I’m missing my Papa fiercely this Father’s Day weekend. Sorry to be all whiny.

Steph L. - Jun 15, 2024 9:44:12 am PDT #1130 of 2700
the hardest to learn / was the least complicated

Sorry to be all whiny.

Don't apologize! Whining is therapeutic.

I'm still dealing with a wee cold, and wondering if it's sufficient to cancel tomorrow's Father's Day lunch, because I really just don't want to be like, Yay Dad You're The Best Thanks For The Trauma And Heart Disease (presumed but no evidence yet [for the heart disease], so maybe not). And then he's all like, I Know I'm The Best Dad Ever Better Than All The Other Stupid Dads Why Do My Intellectually Deficient Kids Who Are Going Nowhere In Life Try To Avoid Me.

erikaj - Jun 15, 2024 10:50:39 am PDT #1131 of 2700
I'm a fucking amazing catch!--Fiona Gallagher, Shameless(US)

My dad promised to check that this year's property taxes on the condo got paid with the last mortgage payment. He didn't. That's been fun. But he's just not that into us.(Weird that that book didn't teach me how to date, (Like this much foamy could be contained in a simple dyad anyway...come on, but it was an effective primer for my extended family life)

erikaj - Jun 15, 2024 10:54:57 am PDT #1132 of 2700
I'm a fucking amazing catch!--Fiona Gallagher, Shameless(US)

cheerios: Not because the taxes are that expensive...Mom paid, but she just keeps raging about it, he makes's a thing. I think homeownership is another thing that people taught me was cool and not so much.(Not that I've had it full-blast, either, though.)

Dana - Jun 15, 2024 2:58:38 pm PDT #1133 of 2700
"I'm useless alone." // "We're all useless alone. It's a good thing you're not alone."

Steph, it sounds like you're looking for a reason to cancel, which as far as I'm concerned is sufficient reason all on its own. You can still care about your dad and not want to do the Father's Day ritual.

Steph L. - Jun 15, 2024 4:21:22 pm PDT #1134 of 2700
the hardest to learn / was the least complicated

I did indeed just cancel with my dad. I am legitimately feeling under the weather -- going to the grocery store earlier just wore me out entirely -- but I also don't want to do the Father's Day ritual this year.

Laura - Jun 16, 2024 6:44:51 am PDT #1135 of 2700
Our wings are not tired.

Happy birthday to Askye! I hope you are being spoiled properly today. May this year bring an abundance of happiness.