You all made me laugh as hard as when I told the story of Dad getting a broken ankle and a concussion when making a jump as a paratrooper in high wind.
His vision was blurred and he was confused by all the moaning injured troops in the hospital and tried to make a run for it, thinking he had died and gone to hell.
“You’re not getting me, you bastard!”
Jefferson’s is a damn fine sipping coping mechanism. Smooth.
Minimal hangover.
I love you all.
It’s gloomy today. Also I cannot find my glasses. . . possibly because I cannot see without them. Argh.
Much love for you Cashmere, note that I flipped you the finger when I said that, with love of course.
Glasses~ma, sumi.
That's one of the ironies of wearing glasses - you need to put them on first thing, but you can't see to find them (yes, I experienced that for years, having been horribly nearsighted).
So glad you found your glasses, sumi! I go through that many a morning - I try to always put them in the exact same place on my nightstand every night so I can just reach for them without seeing but they are not always there in the morning, somehow. I have had panicked thoughts of calling my boss trying to explain that I cannot work because I can't find my glasses but so far it hasn't come to that. They have usually been knocked to the floor in between my bed and the nightstand, or fallen between the mattress and the bedframe or just disappeared against the other stuff on my nightstand but most often they are an inch or two away from where they are supposed to be and just that is enough that I can't find them for a while. Makes for a nice jolt of adrenaline to start the day.
Happy birthday, JenP!
Today we celebrate the birth of JenP!
Ce-le-brate good times, come on!
Happy birthday, JenP!
Happy Birthday, JenP.
I got to see my brother in person yesterday, even though the jail suspended in person visits. Turns out we grew up with one of the corrections officers in charge of the jail and she made it happen.
Turns out we grew up with one of the corrections officers in charge of the jail and she made it happen.
That is a good thing. How did you find him? I'm sure he was comforted by your visit.