Yikes Rick—but glad it turned out well as could be I guess?
I’m baffled how Seattle has just almost as high of vaccination rates as San Francisco but still has so many more cases per capita!! (Apropos of Hec posting about it on fb)
Also, I still love the pumpkin cream cheese Trader Joe’s has, but my stomach may not love it as much as in the past. They don’t sell cinnamon sugar pita chips anymore so I decided to dip ginger cookies in it, and it was good and I maybe ate too many and now feel gross
One would think that ginger cookies would be self-correcting tummy ache wise...
I’m baffled how Seattle has just almost as high of vaccination rates as San Francisco but still has so many more cases per capita!! (Apropos of Hec posting about it on fb)
Maybe it's Oregon's fault! As much as I love my birth-state, it does share a border and sensibility with Idaho, and there are a lot of right wing refuseniks on the Eastern side.
Good luck, Rick.
Glad the mammo results were good, -t!
All hail, Pumpkin Cream Cheese!
Timelies all!
Day 1 of getting Mr. S to school went well. I hope the rest of the week goes as well.(Silly boy left his lunch bag at school. Oh, well, I guess we'll have to use Gary's insulated bag tomorrow.)
Oh I would definitely blame Idaho before Oregon, but I was looking at the Seattle-specific (or well, King County) stats, they’re generally way better than the rest of the state. Our surge seems to be going down but not as quickly as one might like.
I’m taking tomorrow off work, because I have some vacation days to burn. So far my plan is get up at mostly the regular hour, drop dog at daycare, go to the bougie bakery, and maybe go hike to a lake? Supposedly a pretty easy 4 mile round trip. Not sure if I want to plan to bring lunch or just snacks. May go classic PB&J. Then I’m thinking a Costco run? Not sure what else. In the evening I have an outdoor happy hour.
If I were well enough to drive the 7 hours down there, I would do it just to slap them all in their stupid faces.
The singing telegram industry should pivot to fill this sort of role. Maybe instead of slapping they could toss a bucket of Lysol on them.
You used to be able to get people to dress up in uniform/costume to deliver a message. Maybe someone in full PPE ... to offer them ivermectin?