I could maybe get cheaper internet and get rid of DirecTV but I have kind of tried and it's a lot of effort and wouldn't make much of a dent so I don't want to. Everything else is pretty fixed. I actually paid off 4 credit cards earlier this year with a combination of stimulus money and a gift from my mother, and I was all excited because that meant another $175 disposable without those minimum payments but then my mortgage payment went up $150/month (escrow, I assume for insurance) so that was discouraging. It's not unworkable, I can live with it, I just would be happier if I thought this was temporary.
I hope you feel better soon, msbelle, that sounds miserable. I hate those on and off not really SICK sick but definitely not well things
I was wrong, I do have a baby fever. 100.9, so 3 degrees for me. I guess Tylenol and bed.
I hope it passes quickly with more rest, msbelle.
-t, is refinancing your mortgage an option? With the current interest rates being so low that could help lower your monthly chunk.
Also, I am totally in favor of chocolate ice cream with mint chips or mint ice cream with chocolate chips, but I don't think I want to try mac n cheese ice cream.
I refinanced in 2013, it feels a little silly to do it again. But maybe I should think about it.
I refinanced in 2013, it feels a little silly to do it again. But maybe I should think about it.
It's not silly if it gives you some wiggle room in your budget.
I am with Laura regarding ice cream flavors.
I wonder who thought what we needed is Mac n cheese ice cream - it’s comfort food gone wrong.
If you can, -t, do it. Rates are ridiculously lower than they were in the mid-teens. And lowering your payment will give you a lovely bit of breathing room in the monthly budget. (And if you can structure it to cash out some equity and that would allow you to pay off other higher-interest things, you should at least look at the numbers. But at the least, a better payment will be a big relief.)
OK, I'll check into it. I thought I was just whining and y'all come along with the practical advice.
I hope there is not actually macaroni in the mac & cheese ice cream.