"the businesses with signs like “no mask needed if you’re vaccinated and we aren’t checking we trust you!”
We went to the zoo on Sunday morning for A Big Thing, and the number of people wandering around unmasked was unsettling. We were fully masked, because yeah we're vaccinated, but we don't trust random people of the public.
I now find zombie fiction wherein people pull together and look out for everyone to be laughably quaint.
What shrift said. Also, your secret is safe with us.
Good luck cancelling the castle, shrift!
Current reorg is going slowly and sometimes apparently backwards, so that's fun. One more meeting today...
Work secrets are safe here.
Heck, I’ve got the government website for jobs open. Two tabs because there are two jobs I would consider.
And I’m like “trust?!? That is so long gone….I have no trust in the American public to do anything good or necessary or right!”
It me.
I now find zombie fiction wherein people pull together and look out for everyone to be laughably quaint.
Right? For the good of humanity? Cute. Avoid the plague? We don’t do that here.
Almost no one is wearing masks here anymore, and yeah, our cases look to be ticking up. So that's nice.
We're going to be back in the office for 1-2 days a week starting next month. Unless the Delta variant really ramps things up in the area. Where that office will be, physically, no one really knows. I should probably swing by the current office and get personal items out in case it turns out that the office will be some place different.
We have tourists and most of them seem to be going without masks.
I'm not even going to bother checking stats for my county and state. If I had to guess, the county is higher than the state, but not near the national average.
Though in good news, husband got the test results back and he does not have covid. Which I knew all along was overwhelmingly likely, but once I was stressed about it, then the brain would not let go.
I'm glad he got tested, Dana!
I just looked into testing before I fly home and it looks like my doctor's office isn't doing them anymore, and since I'm not symptomatic, I'd have to go to a location farther away pending availability or go to an urgent care and have them bill my insurance. Insert I Don't Know What I Expected dot GIF.
I hope the results let the brain relax, Dana!
Yay for getting tested. It is a relief knowing even when you know.