More org changes at my company. The Sales department is changing their structure and my department's still ongoing structure change was designed to reflect their structure so 'm not sure what that means for us. And our new VP of People comes to us from Amazon which makes me nervous.
They sent out the email about these change last night &:45 and I missed it in catching up on my email this morning so I learned about it when my VP said "we all got the email..." in our weekly Zoom. Oops.
but having a lot of coping mechanisms means you have something to cope with
I am in this sentence and I don't like it.
And now I see we're under an excessive heat warning from tomorrow noon until Monday evening.
::cries over loss of weekend::
We have the remnants of Elsa bearing down on us ... rain, rain and more rain. Flash flood warnings out. sigh ....
Leverage has been released early, btw.
Leverage has been released early, btw.
Not for me. Was it released early for IMDBpro members, perhaps?
I'm not a pro member and I see it. Does this link work? [link]
(I do have Prime, though...)
"Clafloutis is my hammock stand," is my favorite thing about today. And, it's been a decent day, all around!
Not for me. Was it released early for IMDBpro members, perhaps?
I'm not a pro member and I got to it through the IMDB channel on my Roku. (I'm also a Prime member, but I didn't get to it through Amazon.) (Though all that shit might be connected, so maybe it *is* a Prime thing.)