I figure I’m already on Wellbutrin which is one of the non stimulant meds they give for ADHD…and I do feel like it helped some in the “actually do those dishes AND finish all of them don’t stop because most of them are done” though obvi not 100% given the dishes currently in my sink…
The thing I have never understood about cherry cladouti—how do the pits not get annoying??
The thing I have never understood about cherry cladouti—how do the pits not get annoying??
Most people (heathens) pit the cherries.
ETA: Personally, I'd rather deal with the pits when eating then pit the cherries.
I always wonder when a list of ADHD symptoms go by, because I identify with a lot of them. But then there are some I absolutely don't identify with, so I end up with Sophia and wondering if "neurotypical" even means anything
I kind of didn't believe my diagnosis until the meds clearly made such a dramatic improvement. Same with depression - I was always thinking "well, those all sound like me except I don't feel sad" when what I mostly felt was numb, so. I have been off all my meds for a while now for economic reasons which is kind of dumb, probably, but also something I can control so, IDK, but it's definitely easier to drop my coping mechanisms and that's not good.
I figure I’m already on Wellbutrin which is one of the non stimulant meds they give for ADHD
...right, I have been on Wellbutrin for almost 10 years. Huh.
More org changes at my company. The Sales department is changing their structure and my department's still ongoing structure change was designed to reflect their structure so 'm not sure what that means for us. And our new VP of People comes to us from Amazon which makes me nervous.
They sent out the email about these change last night &:45 and I missed it in catching up on my email this morning so I learned about it when my VP said "we all got the email..." in our weekly Zoom. Oops.
but having a lot of coping mechanisms means you have something to cope with
I am in this sentence and I don't like it.
And now I see we're under an excessive heat warning from tomorrow noon until Monday evening.
::cries over loss of weekend::
We have the remnants of Elsa bearing down on us ... rain, rain and more rain. Flash flood warnings out. sigh ....
Leverage has been released early, btw.