The megan walker signal worked!
What can I say? Clafoutis is my hammock stand.
Is duke always capitalized?
Duke is usually capped since it is almost always used as an integral part of the name and rarely used in apposition (unlike other titles where you might see President Jimmy Carter, but U.S. president Jimmy Carter or former president Carter), but if you are just talking about how few dukes there are in England, it would be lowercase.
Thank you, megan, that makes sense.
And I feel validated, Dana. Hooray twitter
Google alerted me that Peacock has ordered a reality dating show "inspired by Pride and Prejudice" that involves "a heroine looking for her Duke" and my reaction is mostly that there are no Dukes (is duke always capitalized? I have no idea) in P&P
I had that EXACT reaction. "Inspired by P&P" should be less "looking for her Duke" and more "looking for her intellectual equal / house with magnificent grounds"
Looking for the nephew of a lady while being unclear about what title that confers to the suitor in question.
Clafoutis is my hammock stand.
I love us.
Clafoutis is my hammock stand
I understand that reference
looking for her intellectual equal / house with magnificent grounds
I mean, it should really be about a man with a fortune in want of a wife, right?
I love Clafoutis but I'm way less likely to use megan's recipe because it requires me to go buy cream. Instead I usually use the Joy of Cooking recipe, which is good enough for me.
Smitten Kitchen has a Clafouti bar recipe, which I made over the weekend and then ate nearly all of. It was definitely better after a couple days in the fridge.
Thank you so much!
Marking this. Again. Fingers Crossed!
Reporting back on Sonic installation so far: installation did take about two hours, router setup was easy, and all of my devices except one immediately connected to wifi. The remaining device that won't connect is my Windows 10 PC, and if my suspicions are correct, a new wifi adapter will solve the problem. We'll see once the adapter arrives.
but having a lot of coping mechanisms means you have something to cope with
Ha ha, that is very wise and very true. Doing laundry means folding it and putting it away, I must unpack my suitcase immediately, the keys always go on the table, those are The Rules.
And then came auto bill pay, and I suddenly had a mechanism that worked.
Oh, word. Sophia, I would be hosed without auto bill pay and me putting absolutely everything into Google Calendar/Keep/Tasks/Spreadsheets with reminders that constantly prompt me to do things. Or telling myself the order I'm going to do things, and guiding myself back when my brain goes, "Squirrel!" I realize that I'm getting a lot of stuff done right now because I have a deadline (upcoming travel) and external pressure (coworkers telling me my internet was dropping while we were talking), but it would be really nice to just be able to... do things? when we are not on fire?
But I'm finally understanding and accepting that I developed coping mechanism that were based mostly on avoidance
askye, you are crushing it with these truth bombs! Many of my coping mechanisms are still working, but yeah, I recognize they are coping mechanisms and that there are things I'm avoiding that I actually would like to do. I've got "ADHD diagnostic evaluation" on my To Do List and I'm going to ask my doctor about it when I go in for my physical.
Which is another reason I want to try medicine for RSD. I can work through the feeling but not having the feelings or not feeling as strongly means I can use that mental energy for something else.
That does sound exciting and I hope it works out for you!