I hate when my favorite bathing suits deteriorate, which has been an issue all my life as a dedicated swimmer. I have a couple favorites that really should be retired. I did recently buy a couple of two piece suits that are super comfy but absolutely only to be seen by immediate family. Beach goers don't need to see my belly.
Speaking of belly, mine is going down and clothes are loose. DH and my sister have joined me on the keto wagon. It makes it a lot easier.
Matilda is up and awake, drinking an iced blended caramel cappucino, washed her face, did light makeup (not full Death Metal), put on a clean shirt and has her laptop primed to join her Zoom orientation for being a camp counselor this summer.
She has another Zoom orientation tomorrow (I'm hoping these are only like an hour long), and then gets her assignment and will start her paying gig on Tuesday (after Monday off for the 4th).
Watched the news while eating lunch, yeah, I know not supposed to do that. Anyway, Chuck Todd went off a bit on both the unvaccinated, and in particular those who spread the conspiracy theories. It was pretty on point. In part,
The only people dying are the unvaccinated, and for those of you spreading misinformation, shame on you. Shame on you! People are needlessly dying because of your misinformation! Think about it. I don’t know how some of you sleep at night who are doing this for a living on television.
I heard that, Chuck Todd. You are correct.
I haven't gotten to swim yet this summer, and it's bumming me out! I will on the 10th, because we're doing a family reunion at my nephew's house, and they have a pool. I guess I need to join the rec center or something. Community pool is an idea, but it's already halfway through summer, and, frankly, it seems expensive to me. But I've never joined a pool before, so what do I know?
I wish to live at the beach.
Sumi, that is great news!
I get irked by the people who've decided they don't want to be vaccinated and then say they're being discriminated against. A hospital in Texas (I think it was) fired a number of nurses, etc., who refused to be vaccinated and they're suing. Bruce Springsteen opened in New York to vaccinated people only and there were unvaccinated people marching outside (closely packed, un-masked) calling it segregation. jeepers
That's good news, Sumi! I hope the treatment is minimally troublesome and completely effective.
Let's hear it for Bruuuuuuuce! Good head on that man's shoulders. I think I'm gonna queue up Thunder Road when I'm out of this meeting.
Those people have a choice & nobody’s preventing them from changing their minds & joining the vaccinated.
In co-vid related news: a colleague has switched from using her home-sewed masks to using these masks which breath a lot better than cloth masks so your face doesn’t sweat as much.