Je suis annoyed that the take away of everyone working from home for a year is that those of us with special arrangements to work from home shouldn’t get them anymore because now everyone wants to WFH. I loved my 9-3 core hours and working in the middle of the night when I am an insomniac to make up the other two. Also, I work WAY more than 40 hours.
Epic and others
I LOVE Everything is Going to be OK! I keep recommending it to people!
It is so good. please to watch and discuss. I also watched the creator’s previous series Pleas Like me, which was also good, but better because of the new show. I just love the idea that the socially awkward person is trying as hard as they can, because I really am. It is the best I have to give.
ETA: possibly more heat flash than environmental temperature, but my course of action does not change for that realization
Too hot is too hot however it occurs.
It is so good. please to watch and discuss.
Are you caught up with the season? Because I actually do have thoughts.
I just love the idea that the socially awkward person is trying as hard as they can, because I really am.
I thought this was really important re Nicholas & Alex's
breakup & NOT getting back together. Nicholas saying that it would be better if they could each just find someone who wouldn't want to change them was so...something. Affirming? Mature? (and a tiny, judge-y corner of my brain thinks...lazy? I always felt so bad for Alex knocking himself out for them all - is Nicholas right that he shouldn't have to try so hard, or did he & Alex just need to get better at communicating their needs and not bottling everything up?)
And I love Genevieve! As the "normal" one, she's had to be mature beyond her years. And she's such an amazing, quirky character, but I swear sometimes her quirks just get drowned out by Nicholas & Matilda.
I also love Genevieve and relate to her very hard as a quirky neuro-typical. If I were a gay man, and with my age and my theatre background, do often identify with gay men, I would be Nicolas, but I am really Genevieve.
I am definitely NOT Nicholas or Matilda (at least I hope not!); they can both be so oblivious and self-involved, they're very frustrating (plus, Nicholas' fashion sense is ATROCIOUS! LOL), so I'm def closer to Genevieve. But I don't think I'm as observant or insightful as she is.
Ugh, Bill Cosby won his appeal and is being released. Sometimes I regret having news alerts.
Fuck him. I hope he gets hit by a car Mitch McConnell is driving.
I can hardly believe his spokesperson called it justice for Black America. So vile.