I am side eyeing Tino already.
I have a Tinette and she is, I want to say slowly making me miserable but, in reality, she’s quick about it.
I was scheduled for jury duty today and am bummed that it was cancelled for my group. Yep, I’d rather be masked and socially-distanced at jury duty than be at work.
Good news, Matt!
Excellent news, Gud. That looks interesting.
Gud, that's pretty cool! Congrats on the new job!
Congrats, Gud!
Gad to hear your mom's surgery went well, Matt. And your root canal, Jen!
Mostly enjoyed the two hours of driving because at least my car has air conditioning!!!
That sounds right. Even I am in air conditioning today. (at home)
I did a site visit today in Sonoma County and GOT A TICK IN MY HAIR!!!! So upset.
I am freaking out on your behalf!!
My job is going to be as flexible as possible, pending the space density restrictions are lifted. As of today, we could only have half the people in the office on a given day anyway, but we are assuming that will change by September when they start letting people back in...
If it goes through as currently outlined I'll be in the office 2 days a week, wfh 3 starting next week
I would LOVE this plan! We've been 3 days in office/2 WFH since early May, and I thought that was what we were going forward with. Then a couple weeks ago they announced we were just coming back. I objected, strenuously, but they only pay lip service to employee engagement and empowerment around here. My immediate supervisor says that it's only temporarily this rigid, 'cuz we have a lot of new people (because people keep leaving - huh, wonder why?), and they want them to know who we are, that in a couple/few months we can start working more flexibly again. As I told him (on this topic & others), I'll believe it when I see it.
And for those of you wondering - I am low-key looking for something else, but between the fact that I've been here so long I have 4 weeks of vacation, and the fact that with my IBS/UC/whatever-the-hell-it-is I take rather more sick days than the average which I assume would be harder to get away with in a new place, a new job would have to be pretty amazing to get me to change at this stage of the game.
Congrats, Gud!
I never think of my car having air conditioning when I am melting in my bedroom. Hm. OTOH, usually I'm at the point of thinking clothes are a terrible idea by the time I am thinking about potential cooling off options so lying in front of the fan always wins over anything involving getting dressed.
We have a "core" in office day of Tuesday so people can schedule meetings with some confidence that everyone will be there, and I keep thinking about how densely we will be packed but I don't know what the social distancing protocols are really going to be. I know it's masks indoors unless vaccinated, and the "return to work" FAQ mentions social distancing but not with any distances or such. I'm actually at the end of a row and there's no one sitting the opposite side of the wall that I face, so I've only got the one person who might be within 6 feet of me and we have a barrier between us and we'll be masked and/or vaccinated so probably pretty safe regardless. Just feels weird after thinking about that as such a priority for so long.
You can negotiate for more vacation time when you take a new job, Epic. I mean, it's not a foregone conclusion that you would lose that by changing jobs.
Congrats Gud!!
It is supposed to be warm (90) again here today but nothing like the past few days, plus it actually cooled off overnight (thank god) so I’m sitting outside with my computer because it’s only 71 right now. Wish I could be up in my office with both screens but until then, at least I’m comfortable!!
Feeling anxious, but also kinda excited about it.
I'm excited for you too! Your hard work and skills are recognized and rewarded.
Wish I could be up in my office with both screens but until then, at least I’m comfortable!!
Yay! I was so pissed when I went for my walk at 7 this morning and it was already 86 here.