Nice! It looks like I may be able to upgrade to a REAL ID for free if I make the request before December 31 since I was forced to renew by mail: [link]
And if you figure out where you want to live, let me know. I would love to benefit from your research.
One of the preferred locations is Chicago and that is tempting, but I've been enjoying not having real winter so I need to give it a lot more thought.
People around here tend to think that’s normal and ok, too, which is weird.
I know, right? But it doesn't have to be like this!
Since my story is never dull, the captain announced that the plane is being diverted back to Los Angeles. Apparently the high heat weather conditions in Missoula would mean that this small jet will not be able to take off of it lands there tonight. More news to come.
Oh no, ND! Not even sure what kind of ~ma to send. That sucks!
Gosh, it must be seriously hot! Hope you aren’t delayed too long, Noise.
Yikes, ND! I was so hopeful for your trip.
Kristin, I'm so glad to hear your dad is doing better. Best of luck on the planning. I know it's hard but getting ahead of it is better for everyone.
I will be bummed if shrift leaves town, but I get it.
My sister reports that my oldest nephew, who just turned 13, is taller than she is! Shocking!
I think I am being suddenly anti-social; I skipped dog class last night and bailed on climbing tonight. Tomorrow and Thursday I have post-work drinks with coworkers, that I really can't skip. And next week is two solid days of meetings sandwiched between two hella long site visits (one of them to the Farallon Islands!). I'm going to be exhausted.
Geez, ND, that is so unfair!! Hope the flight works out tomorrow.
It was not as hot here today as yesterday but I am scared of this weekend and seriously wishing I had A/C. It’s 76 in my bedroom right now and 80 in my living room. Though last night by the time it cooled off to 73 it felt downright chilly! The problem was how long it took to do that.
Work was less overwhelming today, I hit more of a “screw this” attitude. And then I met up with a friend and went to the women’s soccer game. And shockingly they won! (They’re in next to last place at the moment and the goalie for the other team is the US WNT goalie).
Shrift that sounds like a much better commute plan, yikes.
Shake the pompoms and let out a cheer for Teppy's birthday today! Steph, I hope that the year to come is filled with joy, and gluten free cupcakes.
Second attempt. I’m in the air on the way to Portland and then have a connecting flight to Missoula.