Would that be moving to a whole new place, or have you ever lived there before?
I grew up in Michigan, but a fair way north of Albion. I visited a few times when my sister went there, but that was eons ago. We chatted about it a bit last week, and my sister says it’s still a lovely small town, near enough to Ann Arbor and Battle Creek if I need city things.
You have all been here since the day I found out I was adopted. I’m on the plane. This has been a long journey to get to today. I’m so glad to have all of you to share it.
Good grief - what were you having to do for a commute, shrift?
Roughly 80 miles round trip with terrible traffic both in the city and on the 101. Sometimes I'd get lucky and my commute only would be 3 hours, but 4 was typical. When it was worse than that, it usually was due to accidents or concerts/events.
Oh, wow. That is... well, brutal. Glad you can change that now.
I remember that night, Drew. Amazing journey.
Calli, that sounds pretty ideal, actually!
Good fucking riddance to your commute. And if you figure out where you want to live, let me know. I would love to benefit from your research. I have given up on Texas and would like to live somewhere slightly saner.
shrift I'm so glad you won't have that commute anymore!
So 2 of our sales team managers have put in their notice. And I realized I hadn't seen one for assistant managers but I assumed he was on vacation. I don't know how long he's actually been gone but when he was taken off our group chat I realized that he wasn't working there any more. (all managers are in this group chat).
I texted someone to ask what happened and he said "no one knows" , I asked if that meant literally no one knows or the only people who know aren't saying. And he said " knows".
The sales team managers are leaving in part because of the hours they've had to work under the new manager and I guess the assistant mgr leaving is due to the manager as well. I don't know if this is a good thing or a bad thing or what.. but it makes me wonder if I should be looking.
Yikes, that is a brutal commute. I had a 110 mile daily commute when I was in college consisting of a big triangle between home, work, and school. But no traffic!! It was actually relaxing. I hope you work out a much better solution.
I remember that night, Drew. Amazing journey.
Yes, indeed. It is just so wonderful that the time has come for this long awaited meeting.
That sounds very cool, Calli!
I can’t fine the Heroic Trio anywhere, sumi, but I really enjoyed Heroine Complex and that whole series
So excited for you, ND!
Glad for a good day, Pix, hope that keeps up for a long time
Way to move forward with what you want, Calli! Good luck
I didn’t realize your commute was that brutal, shrift. Yikes. People around here tend to think that’s normal and ok, too, which is weird. Glad you can get away from it.
My department is pre-emptively worrying that too many of us are asking to continue wfh and is now negotiating for a standard 2 days in the office that would be enforced as “everyone come in on Tuesdays”. Super weird.
And one of my teammates is leaving for what sounds like a good job so I’m happy for her but our long running slow motion reorganization just got even more complicated. So that’s fun.
But I was able to email digital proof of vaccination to the People Department so I don’t have to wear a mask in the office if I don’t want to and I think I get a gift card at some point.
So I am reading Heroine Complex and am wondering if the Michelle Yeoh movie I Heroic Trio that is pivotal for the main character is streaming anywhere? I’ve never seen it & it sounds like fun.
I've seen it multiple times and even owned it on VHS at one point. It is rather cheesy as an early 90s fantasy action movie, but Michelle is fantastically cool in it, and so is Maggie Cheung and Anita Mui.
Cool! [link]
Like this: [link]
Maggie Cheung: [link]
Anita Mui: [link]
Michelle Yeoh (with Maggie Cheung): [link]
It's not quite as cool as A Chinese Ghost Story or The East is Red, but as HK fantasies of the 80s/90s go it's still in the upper tier.