It is so wild to me that there's a new holiday, effective immediately! (We get it off as of last year.)
One of the people key to getting Juneteenth recognized is a woman I worked with years ago with Habitat for Humanity in Fort Worth. Her name is Opal Lee and I know she has been featured on several national news programs.
Oh wow! I just missed a talk with her today!
I spent a nice day with dad and I'm at mom's to spend the night here and have more time with both of them tonight and tomorrow.
Somehow mom has turned into someone who flips between 5 or 6 shows at once. Mostly trying to avoid commercials.
In the past hour we've watched parts of:Dr Pol, Beating Bobby Flay, Olympic trials, horse racing, tennis, some animal patrol thing, and a few others kind of on rotation .
I'm glad you've had a nice visit with your parents, askye. I understand avoiding commercials, but I do it by having a big buffer or streaming!
We get tomorrow off but, they waited until the very end of the pay period to announce this and it's actually kind of fucking up our time cards. I'm not sure how it's all going to work, and we got a plaintive email around noon today from the timekeepers asking us to please stop emailing them; we will know when they get guidance.
Yeah, that seems crazy to have a holiday in effect immediately!
My city announced they will observe on Monday, which doesn’t really make any practical difference to me but is pleasing.
that seems crazy
It's the good kind of crazy. The bad kind was getting the time off here in DC because of an insurrection.
Not that I have today off; not a peep out of my workplace.
I'm glad I can get time with my parents but I wish I could spend time with my dad more and without my mom.
They aren't arguing or anything but they are on their 3rd version of "I get so many spam calls every day. Can you believe how many calls we get?. This is ridiculous "... comparing where the calls are.comign from, how often etc..I guess it's better than comparing health problems
Wow, a big fire by the railroad tracks a couple blocks from me has closed off downtown traffic: [link]