That’s awesome msbelle! I figure we don’t get off for veterans day or Columbus Day or Presidents’ Day so I’m sure we won’t get Juneteenth either even if it’s a federal holiday. Oh well.
t, 108 is WAY too many degrees. Good grief. I thought you lived in a temperate Bay Area climate!
I anticipate zero of my medical offices will be closed tomorrow.
I figure we don’t get off for veterans day or Columbus Day or Presidents’ Day so I’m sure we won’t get Juneteenth either even if it’s a federal holiday.
Yep, same. We do have a pretty full slate of Juneteenth DEI programming tomorrow, and folks have been given blanket permission to attend those panels/workshops/etc, which I think is a good move.
I get federal holidays off, and yet no last-minute email saying we don't have to work tomorrow. Working is dumb.
We don't generally follow Federal Holidays, but I'm hopeful we might get Juneteenth off next year.
I thought you lived in a temperate Bay Area climate!
We get fewer of these days than somewhere like Fresno, at least, but when they do hit they are brutal. Just got off the phone with one of my salespeople who is actually nearby (a lot of them live in the areas they service) and she signed off with "stay cool" which I of course took literally and then that struck me as incredibly funny. I may be a little loopy from the heat. [disclaimer - I do not think I am in actual danger from the heat, I don't have air conditioning my house stays relatively cool with the curtains drawn, I'm just uncomfortable. If I do feel like I'm in danger there are cooling sites open I can go to, I think the library is one]
I got the notice that we're closing tomorrow. Yay! I was a little worried, since the annual celebration takes place right under my office windows. I can sleep late, maybe run some errands ... and I've discovered that a local bakery makes a really good frozen coffee (better than a frappuccino), although they don't open until after I've left for work and close before I get home.
Timelies all!
Happy Birthday Cass!
They may well be giving us tomorrow off(no e-mail had shown up stating that before I left) but I still am going in for a full day. Hey, maybe I'll get overtime pay.
It is so wild to me that there's a new holiday, effective immediately! (We get it off as of last year.)
One of the people key to getting Juneteenth recognized is a woman I worked with years ago with Habitat for Humanity in Fort Worth. Her name is Opal Lee and I know she has been featured on several national news programs.
Oh wow! I just missed a talk with her today!
I spent a nice day with dad and I'm at mom's to spend the night here and have more time with both of them tonight and tomorrow.
Somehow mom has turned into someone who flips between 5 or 6 shows at once. Mostly trying to avoid commercials.
In the past hour we've watched parts of:Dr Pol, Beating Bobby Flay, Olympic trials, horse racing, tennis, some animal patrol thing, and a few others kind of on rotation .