Fingers crossed for Matilda's wisdom teeth removal!
Hey, Hec, I'm holding my thumbs that Matilda's experience is as good as it can be, and that she recovers quickly and easily.
Thank you! It is my One Big Worry at the moment. I think I'm going to have Emmett come down and hold her hand while she gets her anesthesia.
(She's very anxious about it herself.)
Are the authors UnAmerican? Because iirc “colored” is a normal term in use in some areas, although NOT American English obviously.
The authors may be UnAmerican, but the article is definitely about South African individuals, and apparently "colored" is a normal term there, per your link. Dang. We still won't use it,* though, so it got changed to "mixed-race."
*We are being extra-super careful about articles that address race, because there was a whole (deserved) uproar over an AMA podcast in February where a physician and editor for one of the JAMA journals said that structural racism isn't a problem in medicine because -- I swear to you this is true -- racism was "made illegal in the 1960s" and discussions of structural racism shouldn't refer to race but socioeconomics.** (The physician is, of course, white, as was the podcast host, who didn't question that assertion.) (Not to mention all TPTB at the AMA who were just fine with putting that podcast on the website. Jesus.)
**Is socioeconomic status a problem in medicine? Sure. Does that mean that racism doesn't exist anymore? Jesus Christ, no. Are race and socioeconomic status intertwined to the point of being inseparable? Sure, but it still doesn't mean that racism doesn't exist anymore or that structural racism isn't a problem in medicine.
Enormous fucking blind spot there. Wow.
I'm glad Lukas is doing well.
I had a couple of friends over last night for the first time in a year. We made G&Ts with Empress Gin, which is both yummy and pH sensitive.
Yeah I think the audience is important there! It’s good to be careful.
Yikes Teppy. Good luck there.
David I’m surprised they already extended to October! I know a lot of places here have done so but I figured if kids went back to school in September that would be the big change of circumstances. Fingers crossed that happens.
Timelies all!
We are no longer doing telework in my lab. Guess I'll actually use some of my leave for days where I have an appointment of some sort(for me or Mr. S) in the middle of the day.
In annoying news, the practice where my primary care physician is is splitting into three new practices, all membership-based. I'll have to see what the fee is for the practice my doctor's in. If it's too high I'm going to have to find a new doctor/practice. Ugh.
I think I'm going to have Emmett come down and hold her hand while she gets her anesthesia.
(She's very anxious about it herself.)
I found out after the fact that Ken has had a deep-seated fear of not waking up from general anesthetic, and was very frightened; he said that my being there made him feel safer. I hope that this isn't in any way what Matilda is feeling! But if they will allow Emmett to be there, I would really encourage that.
(I got him settled for the night and had my meltdown in private, in the shower, where nobody could hear me screaming.)
That is delightful news about JZ's brother. I had wondered how he was doing several times, then forgot to ask.
That is delightful news about JZ's brother. I had wondered how he was doing several times, then forgot to ask.
We saw him tonight! He looks hale.
I’m so relieved to hear JZ’s brother is doing so well.