So many of my friends (and my mom) had a "trees have individual leaves you can SEE" moment after getting their first glasses.
This was how I discovered I needed glasses at age 10 - screwing around with my stepbrother's glasses and suddenly I could see the individual leaves on the shrubs across the backyard!
Ha! I totally did the leaves on trees thing when I got my first glasses at age 12.
I do not remember anything like that, but I got glasses when I was six? So....yeah
Mine was the writing on the blackboard.
On the way back from picking up my first glasses (~3rd grade maybe), I remember saying something like, "Stop signs have 'stop' on them?"
He is the night! (OK, he's a 33-year-old fruit bat)
In happier news, I picked up my daughter's first pair of glasses from the optician today, and she's just wandering around the house reading book titles from across the room in amazement.
That is awesome!
I got a take-out sandwich (roast beef and boursin) for lunch, and I thought it was overpriced, but I actually only ate half, so it was a bargain!
If you need an alibi, we were all there when your wifi went down and would only support audio.
I will remember for next time. Got through it ok, I think. We are adding a sort of bullshit 360 element this year as well as changing the whole time line and I would probably hate even the best and most perfect process for appraisals (unless it was just "you are all terrific, have some raises" I would enjoy that) so I'm just gonna be angry about it for the next, oh, 5 days or so.
I actually only ate half, so it was a bargain!
Love it when that happens!
I definitely remember the "Holy cow, I can SEE" feeling from when I got my first glasses.
I got my first glasses at, I think, seven as a result of not being able to see the board in school. My mother insisted that I only wear them for school (and reading, if I absolutely had to) on the theory that if I wore them too much it would weaken my eyes. She blamed my wearing the glasses all the time and reading under the covers with a flashlight for my having eyes so bad that I was legally blind without them.
Several years ago I had cataract surgery and have reasonable eyesight without glasses. I need them for reading and driving (not that I drive that often). SUCH a relief, especially when wearing a mask.