Timelies, all.
DH drove up to town to drop off the application fee for preschool. I'm frustrated because I called and emailed months ago, but never heard back, then met parents at the playground yesterday who were like "you have to fill out the application and drop off a check" The application still has dates from this school year! I hope kiddo can get a slot. Sigh.
I get my first shot on Saturday, organized through the school system for priority people (which I am, since I work directly with a few kids in a couple different bubbles, and, well, I wanted one. A lot of people either don't or are bad a signing up for things.) I have an appointment for a few weeks from now at the hospital, but once I actually have that sweet, sweet RNA in my system, I'll email and cancel that. But I continue to not trust the system enough to cancel a minute sooner.
We're trying to sell DH's old car (since we got Murray the Minivan), and the guy who test drove it was all chinstrap dude, but yelling at someone who you want to give you currency in exchange for goods is a bad idea, so...we'll see if he can get the money together. This was one of those "this really shouldn't be my job, but if I wait for DH to get it done, it'll have been a year" things.
My mother is eligible for a vaccine, but is basically not interested in travelling for it, so we wait. I am assuming they will show up at our local health center eventually?
Oh, god, is it time for Voigt-Kampff tests? I am not in the mood for that.
Can we substitute "adequately performing or repressing facial expressions in Zoom meetings" for that instead?
The Covid cough is real, folks. It's starting to hurt my ribs, and I really don't want to repeat Ye Olde Pleurisy, so my doctor called in a prescription for better cough meds, and CVS delivers through Shipt. The 21st century is a good time to have the plague.
Mom is getting her first vaccine shot tomorrow! But she has to come here to Greenville to get it. So I'm hoping I can see her on my lunch break and figure out a social distance lunch option.
The potential new manager and the regional manager were here doing a tour. And then someone from some corporate position was here taking 3D pictures or film or something of our loading dock area for some reason.
Effective cough meds, ahoy.
I currently have a tunafish casserole in the oven, because it is my family's go-to comfort food. I'm not in particular need of comfort; I just want the attendant food.
I'm looking at (rental) house porn, except it's pretty unexceptional so far. Well, kind of like actual porn mostly. But, anyway, we want to move to a slightly bigger place soonish, so I'm looking. Seeing one place on Saturday. Trying to figure how far out is not too far out.
The 21st century is a good time to have the plague.
At least there's some kind of upside! Sheesh.
I'm sorry you're feeling crappy Steph. Hope the good cough meds can help.
At least there's some kind of upside! Sheesh.
There are a couple silver linings: the only reason Tim switched to second shift was to avoid Covid, so once he's better, he can go back to first shift. And also, I am by god going to go get my hair cut and highlighted as soon as I'm better, because I won't worry about sitting in a salon for too long and getting exposed.
Basically what I'm saying is, we will be BULLETPROOF. [edit] And have PRETTY HAIR.
Can we substitute "adequately performing or repressing facial expressions in Zoom meetings" for that instead?
Heh. That is certainly a challenge I am aware of every meeting, not sure how well I succeed.
Painful cough is no fun, Tep. Hooray for good drugs being delivered!
I have spent basically all day doing the part of my job that was supposedly no longer part of my job as of last October and I am salty AF about it