Oh god, medical studies LIVE for twisting their study name into an acronym. It's alphabet soup.
My favorite medical backronym (which I looked up because this is something all the women in my family have/do) is ACHOO -
Autosomal-dominant Compelling HelioOpthalmic Outburst (ACHOO) Syndrome is characterized by uncontrollable sneezing in response to the sudden exposure to bright light, typically intense sunlight
I worked for a global health non-governmental organization (NGO) for a few years. It was an acronym-palooza. My favorite was PMTCT of HIV supported by our grant from USAID. That's prevention of mother-to-child transmission of the human immunodeficiency virus supported by the United States Agency for International Development, so you can see why people would want to stop typing the whole thing out after a paragraph or three.
That one is good! [Edit: ACHOO is good. I have also worked with PMTCT/USAID/ETC, so I feel that one.]
I work for an association and I have a full page of acronyms for other associations in our field that I routinely share with new employees. One of them in particular - one we deal with on a regular basis - has to be explained, along with its pronunciation.
Ordered groceries last night. Made dr Appt today. Now I neyto find the bloodwork order the dr gave me back in Oct. so I can get the bloodwork done early next week.
Superpowers update: nothing yet. Stay tuned to this channel for further updates.
Right. No superpowers. Got it. «wink».
Wait. Could she whistle
My aunt really isn't doing well. They have her in the cardiac ICU now. The doctor has been telling my cousin to make sure they've got all their papers in order, and to keep his phone charged and nearby overnight. I wish there was something I could do to help other than sit here in Cincinnati worrying while they're in Boston.