Oh, plus Tim gets the monoclonal antibody treatment this week, which is just cool from a medical nerd perspective.
That is quite cool! Sorry for the reason, but still cool.
In Covid spending news I have been looking at exercise equipment because I may never go back to a gym. I've resisted so far, but I did sent a bunch of links to DH today, and he has much less control that I do.
Just popping in and out.
Teppy, I hope you and Tim recover quickly. There have been a couple of doctors on MSNBC last week pushing infected-but-not-sick-enough-to-be-hospitalized COVID patients to get the monoclonal antibody treatment. I'm glad Tim will get it. If you're positive, I hope you do, too.
Amy, I hope Sara is okay. If it's possible, you might want to check out the antibody treatment. I hope you stay healthy.
Should anyone else be in this situation (i.e. a little sick with COVID), go to covid.infusioncenter.org to find out if there's a location near you. It's an IV treatment, not just a shot, so it takes more time/healthcare resources to administer, but the treatments are available in some places.
I remain furious that there is no list for my mother to get on. She just has to figure out where there's a site she qualifies to go to and then see if they have an available appointment. Which of course they don't.
Jesse, if she hasn't already, have your mom call her PCP's office and ask if they can set her up to get vaccinated. That's what my mother did this past week. She has an appointment at our local hospital for this coming Thursday.
The MA state site is [link]
It is difficult to navigate (probably less so for the web-savvy people here, but it's just not good). My town put a tutorial up on YouTube to walk you through using it. You can watch it here: [link]
I'd try calling the doctor first, though. I was going to sign my mom up via the web, and something made me think of having her call her doc, first. They did everything for her, including scheduling her second shot. She's already gotten an email confirmation. I hope it works out for your mom like that.
My mother's 84-year-old stepbrother and his girlfriend are hospitalized with COVID. They knew they'd been minimally exposed to a (then masked, asymptomatic) neighbor in their apartment building (while they were masked, just talking at their door), and were planning on getting tested this week. They got so ill overnight, they had to take an ambulance to the hospital.
Hil, it's good to see you here, again. I hope your family members will be okay, too.
Stay safe, everyone.
Teppy, I hope you and Tim recover quickly. There have been a couple of doctors on MSNBC last week pushing infected-but-not-sick-enough-to-be-hospitalized COVID patients to get the monoclonal antibody treatment. I'm glad Tim will get it. If you're positive, I hope you do, too.
If I'm positive, I'll ask Awesome Doctor about it ASAP. I know that hypertension is a risk factor in COVID, but my BP meds keep my BP in a normal range, so I don't know where that puts me on the risk continuum.** My weight also puts me at higher risk, so those 2 factors might make Awesome Doctor agree with the monoclonal antibody treatment.
**(The class of BP meds I take -- called ACE inhibitors -- are associated with about a 30% reduced risk of COVID infection. So the fact that I have hypertension, and am taking meds for it, might actually work in my favor.)
Jesse, if she hasn't already, have your mom call her PCP's office and ask if they can set her up to get vaccinated. That's what my mother did this past week. She has an appointment at our local hospital for this coming Thursday.
As of last week, they didn't have it.
I bought hippos. Two of them. Sure, they're small, but really? Does anyone really *need* hippos?
Health-ma to you and Tim, Teppy. And to anybody else who's feeling under the weather.
It has been raining steadily since last night. All I want to do is sleep. I should be working on our ark. Glub.
Also, since our "guest seating" remains echoingly empty, crib creep is happening. Horton the Elephant and the Ikea rats, Hickory, Dickery, and Doc, are occupying the MCM chair. TOP GUNd, Maverick and Goose, bear inna pleather flight jacket and blue-footed booby in a pleather flight helmet mit goggles, are tucked up on the loveseat with the hippos. Truman, Lionheart, Alf, Onzo, and Georgiana bears huddle on the ottoman. When people are actually able to visit again there won't be any places to sit!
Y'all I swear all COVID has me wanting to do is spend money.
I foolishly got into making beaded necklaces AND discovered AliExpress.
This is just my brief shrieking noise on the topic of emotional labor. Jesus Christ, it’s not okay to expect your wife to remember every medication and supplement you take and whether or not they interact with the antibiotic you’ve been taking for 3 days already. #1 If you don’t know your own meds, you’ve got big problems. #2 Google exists, so type in “doxycycline interaction” and let me go to sleep.
Lots of health~ma to Steph and Tim, and to Sara too.
Hil, I hope things will get better. It sounds exhausting.
May you all stay healthy. I haven't had any symptoms of the virus; a woman from my office thought that I'd had it and been asymptomatic. I hope. (I do take precautions - masking, social distancing, minimizing my trips out.)
We had snow and I schlepped into the office but slipped and fell. sigh ... wrenched my left knee and right hip, banged my had. Luckily, I mostly landed on my well padded ass and was wearing a big coat with some padding. A nice young man helped me back on my feet.