Jesse, if she hasn't already, have your mom call her PCP's office and ask if they can set her up to get vaccinated. That's what my mother did this past week. She has an appointment at our local hospital for this coming Thursday.
As of last week, they didn't have it.
I bought hippos. Two of them. Sure, they're small, but really? Does anyone really *need* hippos?
Health-ma to you and Tim, Teppy. And to anybody else who's feeling under the weather.
It has been raining steadily since last night. All I want to do is sleep. I should be working on our ark. Glub.
Also, since our "guest seating" remains echoingly empty, crib creep is happening. Horton the Elephant and the Ikea rats, Hickory, Dickery, and Doc, are occupying the MCM chair. TOP GUNd, Maverick and Goose, bear inna pleather flight jacket and blue-footed booby in a pleather flight helmet mit goggles, are tucked up on the loveseat with the hippos. Truman, Lionheart, Alf, Onzo, and Georgiana bears huddle on the ottoman. When people are actually able to visit again there won't be any places to sit!
Y'all I swear all COVID has me wanting to do is spend money.
I foolishly got into making beaded necklaces AND discovered AliExpress.
This is just my brief shrieking noise on the topic of emotional labor. Jesus Christ, it’s not okay to expect your wife to remember every medication and supplement you take and whether or not they interact with the antibiotic you’ve been taking for 3 days already. #1 If you don’t know your own meds, you’ve got big problems. #2 Google exists, so type in “doxycycline interaction” and let me go to sleep.
Lots of health~ma to Steph and Tim, and to Sara too.
Hil, I hope things will get better. It sounds exhausting.
May you all stay healthy. I haven't had any symptoms of the virus; a woman from my office thought that I'd had it and been asymptomatic. I hope. (I do take precautions - masking, social distancing, minimizing my trips out.)
We had snow and I schlepped into the office but slipped and fell. sigh ... wrenched my left knee and right hip, banged my had. Luckily, I mostly landed on my well padded ass and was wearing a big coat with some padding. A nice young man helped me back on my feet.
Tim (who I have not murdered for waking me up last night to ask me what meds and supplements he takes) gets the monoclonal antibody treatment today, in about 90 minutes. I'm such a medical nerd that I'm more excited about it than he is.
Yes, the types of different flour we have is currently at 5, which seems like a lot.
My flour collection hasn't expanded in *kind* but I did go through an entire a 50-lb sack of high-gluten flour this summer.
Oh no, Toddson! I'm sorry to hear that and glad it wasn't worse. Be gentle with yourself over the next couple of days.
Tim (who I have not murdered for waking me up last night to ask me what meds and supplements he takes)
You are a very strong and also kind person.