Teppy, I hope your and Tim’s symptoms continue to be mild. That was a difficult sentence to construct, and I am not sure I got the possessive correct.
Thanks again Jesse for the bed jacket pattern last week. I am working on the yoke, and not had to rip it out once! I prefer written patterns, but I always mess them up the first time.
Yes, the types of different flour we have is currently at 5, which seems like a lot.
And smooth COVID vibes for Tim and Steph.
I'm not gonna count the flours. I'll just nod in agreement.
I am putting a lot of effort into not spending money and being kind of successful. Not acquiring much stuff lately, at least.
Glad to hear so far so good, Teppy! Here's hoping it continues that way.
I have already spent a LOT of money on amazon, a lot of it for the pup but a lot for random shit for me, too. But seriously, how does a person buy a new mattress during COVID? I run hot, so I don't think I want one of the internet-foam-mattress things?
Health~ma to Mr and Mrs Steph.
Also, Steph, I had no idea how gangster your profession is.
We’re getting a blizzard here tonight; the forecast is calling for an oddly-specific 17″ of snow.
And I am struggling right now to not buy yet another film camera from eBay. I mean; all I need is a piece of electrical tape to fix the light leak on this old one, why do I need to buy a whole new-to-me replacment?
Also, Steph, I had no idea how gangster your profession is.
Holy shit, that is beyond wildly unprofessional. What the hell?
Y'all I swear all COVID has me wanting to do is spend money.
I mean, I didn't do anything oddly specific like buy a pug-themed Rosie the Riveter sticker because I thought my bullet journal's blank cover needed a little flair. (Should get here tomorrow.) (I mean, if I ordered it.)
Oh, plus Tim gets the monoclonal antibody treatment this week, which is just cool from a medical nerd perspective.
That is quite cool! Sorry for the reason, but still cool.
In Covid spending news I have been looking at exercise equipment because I may never go back to a gym. I've resisted so far, but I did sent a bunch of links to DH today, and he has much less control that I do.