Trying to schedule watching things with other people can be so complex. Many things I want to watch, but have to wait for Brendon, or watch twice. Then I pick things that I think I will only enjoy, and then he comes through and starts watching too so I can't proceed! It's complicated.
I'm a moderator for a NYT readers group on FB and we have one very active member who goes on reporting binges. I've had nearly a dozen posts she has reported as hate speech or fake news the last couple days. None of which were either, but they did say negative things about Netanyahu or the IDF. I had to reach out to one of the Jewish moderators to see if I was being blind or if she had a point. I was assured that she is nuts and keep all the posts. I will delete a comment if they call her out by name for being an extremist, even though she is, because we don't allow personal attacks against members. If Donald, Joe, or Bibi join our group we will be in trouble!
I'm also torturing myself by reading all the menus for my upcoming cruise. I can stay keto without issue, but it makes me want to switch to vegetarian for all the risottos, pastas, and Indian options.
eta: see how retirement has not put me on the computer fewer hours, just doing stuff other than work