Hauser: You really think you can solve the problem? Come into Wolfram & Hart and make everything right? Turn night into glorious day? You pathetic little fairy. Angel: I'm not little.

'Just Rewards (2)'

Natter 77: I miss my friends. I miss my enemies. I miss the people I talked to every day.  

Off-topic discussion. Wanna talk about corsets, duct tape, butt kicking, or physics? This is the place. Detailed discussion of any current-season TV must be whitefonted.

JenP - Mar 18, 2024 6:37:16 pm PDT #29247 of 30000

Oh, geez, Jesse, I'm so sorry to hear that.

Oh, Matilda. So, so hard. Which doesn't even begin to describe it adequately. Nothing does.

I did go to the pool, and one of the lifeguards said,"Hi! Good to see you! It's been a while," which made me feel loved. Oof, it will take some time to get back up to speed. Which, of course it will; it's been months.

Atropa - Mar 18, 2024 7:24:00 pm PDT #29248 of 30000
The artist formerly associated with cupcakes.

Atropa, you still have an iPod?! I'm sorry it's on its last legs.

I love my iPod so much that I'm probably going to pay the money for a refurbished one on the secondary market. I want a headphone jack and the ability to transfer music from my library on my computer, because I am a cranky old goth.

DavidS - Mar 18, 2024 8:43:06 pm PDT #29249 of 30000
"Look, son, if it's good enough for Shirley Bassey, it's good enough for you."

Matilda came home directly after school (an absolute rarity). I gave her a hug and we flopped on the couch. She laid her head in my lap and I covered her with a blanket and we watched Ms. Mojo videos for a bit.

She requested comfort food, specifically something I made for her and her friends years ago when I did my turn of a summer parental co-op where each parent took a turn once a week.

So I toasted a baguette and put marinara and cheese on it and ran it under the broiler for French Bread Pizza.

Then she retired to her bed where she watched comfort anime on her phone and ate Girl Scout Cookie Samoas.

All I can do is love her. But it's just hard and it's just sad, and that's where she is.

Pix - Mar 18, 2024 9:02:44 pm PDT #29250 of 30000
We're all getting played with, babe. -Weird Barbie

All I can do is love her. But it's just hard and it's just sad, and that's where she is.

You are doing it all right. So many hugs for both of you.

Calli - Mar 19, 2024 3:45:43 am PDT #29251 of 30000
I must obey the inscrutable exhortations of my soul—Calvin and Hobbs

That sounds like a good comfort scenario, to the extent that anything can be.

Sorry about the iPod, Atropa. I wish Right to Repair was more of a thing.

Dana - Mar 19, 2024 7:45:13 am PDT #29252 of 30000
"I'm useless alone." // "We're all useless alone. It's a good thing you're not alone."

My 80GB iPod lives in my car. Once it dies, I will disentangle my music from iTunes.

DavidS - Mar 19, 2024 7:58:38 am PDT #29253 of 30000
"Look, son, if it's good enough for Shirley Bassey, it's good enough for you."

We've been alternating grey, overcast days with bright, blue sky days and the roulette wheel of weather has landed on grey again.

Therapy day for Matilda so I'm hoping that helps.

We talked some last night about how to organize her gap year. Still pretty amorphous, and we're not entirely aligned yet, but some understanding of the terrain at least.

erikaj - Mar 19, 2024 12:10:20 pm PDT #29254 of 30000
I'm a fucking amazing catch!--Fiona Gallagher, Shameless(US)

Some days are just harder, I imagine. Even if you've been going along for a while. I just ate Samoas, too. Samoa solidarity.

Atropa - Mar 19, 2024 12:52:04 pm PDT #29255 of 30000
The artist formerly associated with cupcakes.

Mr. Loomycakes unearthed my OLD old original 40GB iPod, so tonight I'll connect it to my old laptop that has my iTunes library and transfer over the most important music and playlists. A stopgap solution, because I don't know how long that one will survive, either.

Jesse - Mar 19, 2024 1:28:28 pm PDT #29256 of 30000
Sometimes I trip on how happy we could be.

I am taking care of bureaucratic tasks that turn out to be not that onerous. I now have a parking pass on its way to me, a street performer permit in my bag, and good results on my cholesterol test this morning. So there. Edit: AND my A1C is OK. Not amazing, but OK.