Get up...get up, you stupid piece of... What did you do that for? What's wrong with you? Didn't you hear a word he said? All of you! You think there's someone just going to drop money on you?! Money they could use?! Well, there ain't people like that. There's just people like me.

Jayne ,'Jaynestown'

Natter 77: I miss my friends. I miss my enemies. I miss the people I talked to every day.  

Off-topic discussion. Wanna talk about corsets, duct tape, butt kicking, or physics? This is the place. Detailed discussion of any current-season TV must be whitefonted.

JenP - Mar 13, 2024 4:06:59 pm PDT #29148 of 30000

Where's the secret lint trap? Now I want to check mine!

-t - Mar 13, 2024 4:44:02 pm PDT #29149 of 30000
I am a woman of various inclinations and only some of the time are they to burn everything down in frustration

Mine is on the front lower right, it looks like not much of anything and you have to pry it open with a screwdriver, but sometimes socks and things end up in there and that, I don’t know, messes something else up. Fixed some problem I was having once or twice. If you can Google up a user manual it might tell you where it is?

Steph L. - Mar 13, 2024 4:59:30 pm PDT #29150 of 30000
the hardest to learn / was the least complicated

I am not making this up: I went downstairs to tell Tim about the secret lint door, and Tim had the dryer open to poke around at...something, I don't know what, then he closed it and hit the side (like Fonzie), and the damn thing started! I just gaped at him and said "What the fuck? WHAT THE FUCK?" because I really didn't expect anything to actually work. (He did say that when he first tried to turn it on, nothing happened, so at least he doesn't think I hallucinated a non-functional dryer.)

So now the towels are dry. But we're going to get a new dryer in the very near future.

smonster - Mar 13, 2024 5:09:36 pm PDT #29151 of 30000
We won’t stop until everyone is gay.

If it’s an old one, might be worth repairing. New ones don’t last, etc, shaking cane, etc, kids.

Very excited to play a part in Laura’s anniversary surprise! Fingers crossed it doesn’t rain all weekend.

smonster - Mar 13, 2024 5:10:28 pm PDT #29152 of 30000
We won’t stop until everyone is gay.

then he closed it and hit the side (like Fonzie), and the damn thing started!

Ahahaha I love me some percussive maintenance.

smonster - Mar 13, 2024 5:11:56 pm PDT #29153 of 30000
We won’t stop until everyone is gay.

Trifecta, because it needs its own post - three years since amyth left us. I always forget and think it’s tomorrow, but that’s Pi Day. It’s a busy week, with the pie and the stabbing and the leprechauns.

Steph L. - Mar 13, 2024 5:14:23 pm PDT #29154 of 30000
the hardest to learn / was the least complicated

If it’s an old one, might be worth repairing. New ones don’t last, etc, shaking cane, etc, kids.

It is an old dryer (Tim says it came with the house when he bought it in 2002, so it's at least 22 years old, but very likely older), and we did have it repaired about 5 months ago. So the fact that the repair only lasted for 5 months might mean that it's time to replace it (even though I do strongly agree with the general belief that new ones don't last).

smonster - Mar 13, 2024 6:01:56 pm PDT #29155 of 30000
We won’t stop until everyone is gay.

Ah yes. Sounds like. Bummer.

Steph L. - Mar 13, 2024 6:55:19 pm PDT #29156 of 30000
the hardest to learn / was the least complicated

Ugh, tomorrow morning is my dad's appointment with the neuropsychiatrist, to hopefully come up with a better treatment plan for his hallucinations. I definitely have to be there for the appointment, to make sure the full breadth of his symptoms are reported accurately. I just deeply resent having to do this.

I also resent how early the appointment is, but it was the soonest available, so we (my brother and I) went with it. But I normally get up at 8 a.m., since I work from home. I can get up, shuffle to the kitchen for coffee and provisions, do the Wordle and other NYT games, and be working by 8:30. But I have to get up tomorrow at 6:15 (and I don't expect sympathy for that; this is just general grumbling), which is going to be rough, especially with the time change.

OTOH, the appointment that early means we'll get it out of the way and then I'll have the rest of the day in front of me, and that's pretty nice.

smonster - Mar 13, 2024 6:56:31 pm PDT #29157 of 30000
We won’t stop until everyone is gay.

I hope it goes well, Steph. And I get the resentment.