They have shakers of brewers' yeast (same thing, basically) at movie theatres in Milwaukee and it drives me nuts you can't find it anywhere else. Back when movie theatres were a thing, you know.
They used to always have it at the hippy rep theater on Haight Street (the Red Vic - now gone). I also remember it at the theater in Coconut Grove where we saw Rocky Horror.
Longtime dream of mine is to buy an old theater and convert it into a home and small theater for old movies.
Which is to say, I’ll have it there should it ever happen.
What taste does nutritional yeast add to popcorn? I mean....does it just taste yeasty?
When I was making attempt #2 at grad school in Chico I spend many a Monday night at the local indie theater that had one screen and couches for the first row and a $2 double feature with $1 popcorn on Mondays (or something very cheap like that). That's where I saw Shallow Grave and Clerks Last Suppers and CIty of Lost Children. I mostly went with friends who were also coworkers at the chain 12-screen down by the mall so we saw most mainstream movies for free at our theater and indie's on the cheap on Mondays. Fond memories. I don't recall nutritional yeast, but I never was crazy about it - I actually like plain popcorn quite well if I'm not doing butter.
ETA Dana, it kind of tastes like Parmesan cheese? Or that's how I think of it.
I remain furious that there is no list for my mother to get on. She just has to figure out where there's a site she qualifies to go to and then see if they have an available appointment. Which of course they don't.
Ohio says they're rolling the vaccine out by ages right now, but it's also pretty half-assed, from what I understand. I thought my dad was getting vaccinated this week, b/c he's eligible age-wise, but he made an appointment for this coming week. I'm just glad it's imminent. My mom's age group should be soon, too.
We have 75+ eligible as of February 1, but you know there are not that many appointments, so.
Oh my Buffistas, I have had a stressful day.
I lost my fucking wallet.
I have not lost my wallet since I was 11. I carried all my college IDs in it and never lost them.
I am super deliberate about changing my pants with an entire ritual of transference of wallet, keys, belt et al.
My wallet is always in my back pocket, and I carefully fold my pants and place them on a chair WHERE THEY ARE NOT TO BE TOUCHED.
But I put on my pants this morning and wallet was not there. The keys were, but not the wallet.
I looked on the floor, thinking it had fallen out. Because these were a new pair of cords that I bought on sale at Levi's (75% off in January!). I had noticed that the back pocket was more shallow than I was used to. It made me anxious about the wallet popping out.
I took everything off the chair. Everything off the floor in that immediate area. Black wallet should have been visible on the brown wood floor. Nothing.
I remembered that I had taken my wallet out recently to donate some money to a friend's GoFundMe campaign. Maybe at my computer? No. I looked all around. Nothing.
I checked my email the GoFundMe acknowledgment was from the previous night. So that wasn't it.
And I went over it and over it and over it in my mind, all day long trying to retrace my steps. Thinking of where I remembered buying something last.
It was extra stressful because JZ is gone for the weekend and while I had food in the house, I was taking care of Matilda all weekend. Money would come in handy. Plus, I've finally got all my automatic online pay shit sorted out and I didn't want to have to go back through Venmo and PayPal and Amazon and Hulu with a new card. It was going to be a huge pain.
All day stressing about it. And I puzzled and I puzzed. And I figured it out!
I was pretty certain that I had lost it the apartment, and not outside.
So here's the detail I recalled that made me change my search and find it. Not only did my new pants have a shallow pocket, but they were also tapered at the ankle more than I was used to. It was difficult to take off my pants over my big feet.
Can you guess where I found it with that clue?
My mom's been on a list for a while and Wednesday the pharmacy sent her an email (not a text or call, as she had been expecting) just before noon that they had vaccine available and to make an appointment for that afternoon. Of course, she didn't read the email until that evening because she's retired and not monitoring her email constantly. When she called Thursday morning to see if they were still doing vaccinations, not only were they not, but also they told her that they'd removed her name from the waitlist because they'd been taking appointments for her group the previous day and she hadn't responded. So she had to sign up AGAIN for a predicted vaccination at the end of February.
We're still taking all reasonable precautions and hopefully Mom will be fine until she gets vaccinated. But if she's not, let's just say I've seen a LOT of revenge-themed horror movies.
Can you guess where I found it with that clue?
In your shoe?
When she called Thursday morning to see if they were still doing vaccinations, not only were they not, but also they told her that they'd removed her name from the waitlist because they'd been taking appointments for her group the previous day and she hadn't responded. So she had to sign up AGAIN for a predicted vaccination at the end of February.
Uh, no. I would be out for that pharmacy manager's blood if they didn't reschedule her immediately.