Doing the work and not turning it in is an alien thought process to me too, but I loved school and was competitive about grades with a bunch of my friends. Maybe in these teens' minds they're avoiding being judged for the quality of their work, while not getting it that they'll be judged more harshly for (seemingly) not doing it at all?
In other news, waking up to find that a cat had upchucked on the blanket I was under was not the ideal start to my morning. Fridays are supposed to be better than that!
I am not focused today, like AT ALL. I have asked Big Boss 2 questions in 2 days and she does not actually answer the question. She poses a different question that she would like to answer. When I follow up, she does not respond.
ION, I want to eat everything. Not really hungry, this is boredom/anxiety/frustration desire to eat. I would take a walk, but it is F'in cold.
My to do list just keeps getting longer and I just want to nap.
Napping sounds better than dealing with the to do list.
I'm sorry, Matt. Not a cool way to start the day.
I had countless discussions with the boys on the 'it's less effort to just do the danged thing' topic. Wasted breath no doubt. High school is not a great predictor of life success. I was The Worst in high school until I quit altogether. Then several months later took the GED and ended up 2nd in my class when I graduated with my BS in Accounting. Also, managed to start and keep a business open for 33 years now. Most people I went to HS with would not know my name, but those that did would have assumed at best I ended up living in a pot smoking hippie commune. Which of course could have been a most excellent option.
given that he's had about 40 hours of homework a week in addition to school, I get it.
As a GenXer this seems like a lot. I could basically get my homeowrk done, 1988-1991, by doing it in other classes under my notebook. And I was a big worker on the school paper, in musicals and plays, and with French Club, in addition to having an after school job at the grocery store.
Oh, Matt, I think I skimmed past your cat's early morning gift. Ew. Such is the way cats, though.
Matt, at least it wasn't on the floor and you stepped in it ... best I can offer.
And 40 hours of homework a week strikes me as a lot ... isn't that a full-time job in and of itself?
I cannot imagine 40 hours of homework. I mean, I might have done that in college but it was still an unmanageable amount, really. For High School? Yikes.
40 hours is excessive even for an honors program. Also not good for kids. [link]
According to a 2014 survey, college students averaged 17 hours a week of homework. Now that's slackers as well as high performers. But still. 40 hours for a high school student seems unreasonable.