It's a random mix - I get emails, my husband gets texts and calls. Sometimes I also get texts! And they update FB/Twitter. Anyway, they did cancel school last night so nobody had to wait for a 5am call. Victory!
I get the phone calls and texts. Sometimes the phone calls come in at 5:30 AM when they don't make the decision the night before, which is fun times.
We finally have some actual snow to justify the day off, though not much by our standards. ltc has been watching Gravity Falls and talking a mile a minute next to me while I try to work on household budget stuff. This afternoon we're going to make a cake from a Christmas box mix that we never got around to making a Christmas. TCG works until 7 today, and then as an after work meeting, which they can do virtually even if the snow gets bad. So, it's going to be a loooooong day here.