Willow: Yikes. Imagine the things...Buffy: No! Stop imagining! All of you! Xander: Already got the visual.

'Dirty Girls'

Natter 77: I miss my friends. I miss my enemies. I miss the people I talked to every day.  

Off-topic discussion. Wanna talk about corsets, duct tape, butt kicking, or physics? This is the place. Detailed discussion of any current-season TV must be whitefonted.

Jessica - Feb 09, 2024 9:20:09 am PST #28554 of 30000
If I want to become a cloud of bats, does each bat need a separate vaccination?

We should start a club!

Let's call it Buffistas, we'll meet online :)

msbelle - Feb 09, 2024 11:39:37 am PST #28555 of 30000
I remember the crazy days. 500 posts an hour. Nubmer! Natgbsb

I ate my lunch and I’m still hungry and I don’t have any more food at the office. WAHHHHHHH

Also, how is it only 2:30?!?!!

I wanna go home and have chips and guacamole.

Karl - Feb 09, 2024 11:40:08 am PST #28556 of 30000
I adore all you motherfuckers so much -- PMM.

Let's call it Buffistas, we'll meet online :)

COMM'd for truth.

meara - Feb 09, 2024 11:51:07 am PST #28557 of 30000

Let's call it Buffistas, we'll meet online :)

lol I was just thinking that!

My hair has thinned a lot, which I hate, but tbd if it is age, due to weight loss, due to bleaching the heck out of my hair for a couple years, or some combo. It’s no longer falling out like crazy, but it hasn’t grown back either.

-t - Feb 09, 2024 12:44:35 pm PST #28558 of 30000
I am a woman of various inclinations and only some of the time are they to burn everything down in frustration

I feel a nostalgic urge to bring up thread proliferation, for some reason

flea - Feb 09, 2024 12:58:46 pm PST #28559 of 30000
information libertarian

I have been In Menopause since 2019 AIFG.

I mean except for the visible aging and lack of fitness, but not menstruating? I can’t believe I did that for 33 years, give or take a couple of kids.

EpicTangent - Feb 09, 2024 1:59:14 pm PST #28560 of 30000
Why isn't everyone pelting me with JOY, dammit? - Zenkitty

not menstruating? I can’t believe I did that for 33 years, give or take a couple of kids.

Right?!? I mean, mine got shortcut by the cancer thing, but it's amazing how quickly I've gotten used to not having to deal with it every 3-3 1/2 weeks (once a month, my ass) and thinking back on what a nuisance it was seems like a dim memory (again, partly because I've had bigger fish to fry, but still).

Steph L. - Feb 09, 2024 2:16:30 pm PST #28561 of 30000
the hardest to learn / was the least complicated

I loved not having a period with my 2 consecutive Mirenas (which would have been 3, except apparently my cervix is made of steel).

Atropa - Feb 09, 2024 2:22:16 pm PST #28562 of 30000
The artist formerly associated with cupcakes.

Medical question that dr. google has been no help on: I'm tapering off the prednisone I was prescribed for the bronchial thing I've been dealing with, and I have two days of antibiotics to go. My coughing and shortness of breath are starting to come back, whee. If this keeps going, do I contact the urgent care clinic I went to for this?

Steph L. - Feb 09, 2024 2:31:51 pm PST #28563 of 30000
the hardest to learn / was the least complicated

My coughing and shortness of breath are starting to come back, whee. If this keeps going, do I contact the urgent care clinic I went to for this?

Definitely. You might need a different antibiotic. Are you still using the inhaler?