Spike? It's you. It's really you! My therapist thought I was holding on to false hope, but…I knew you'd come back. You're like…you're like Gandalf the White, resurrected from the pit of the Balrog, more beautiful than ever. Oh…he's alive Frodo. He's alive.

Andrew ,'Damage'

Natter 77: I miss my friends. I miss my enemies. I miss the people I talked to every day.  

Off-topic discussion. Wanna talk about corsets, duct tape, butt kicking, or physics? This is the place. Detailed discussion of any current-season TV must be whitefonted.

Susan W. - Jan 22, 2024 10:13:10 am PST #28154 of 30000
Good Trouble and Righteous Fights

OK, panic partially averted. They've already called back to say they had a cancellation, and could I do 2/8? Of course I can! I mean, i'd be a lot happier if they hadn't made the mistake with the 2/1 time, but the superstitious part of me is just glad it's away from that Valentine's Day/Ash Wednesday combo. I do try not to be superstitious, or at least to save my superstitions for sports and politics, but still.

dcp - Jan 22, 2024 10:15:33 am PST #28155 of 30000
I have grown older, but not up.

They gave me the first available

"Hurry up and wait" is no fun, regardless of the context.

Pix - Jan 22, 2024 10:28:55 am PST #28156 of 30000
We're all getting played with, babe. -Weird Barbie

Susan, I'm so sorry about the stress and anxiety. I went through a scare in 2022, and my experience was that those biopsy spots do open up from cancellations more often than you'd expect. I hope an even earlier one opens for you.

I'm on a plane back to Florida again today. I'm meeting my mom, who's going to help me to go through the condo. I am not taking a lot, but Dad did have a few pieces of antique furniture passed down from his grandparents, so I've rented one of the smaller PODS to be dropped off Thursday and picked up Saturday. I hate moving and packing even in happy times, so this isn't going to be an easy week. But I will have my mom, and ND flies out on a red eye to arrive Thursday morning, so I won't be alone. I rented a little airbnb nearby so we have a neutral place to retreat to.

After that, I have to wait until Dad's part time caregiver, J, moves out before I can hire a company to empty out the rest. That's complicated on a lot of levels. J loved my dad like a father and is really struggling, and he also only just got his first "real" job as a nurse, so he's broke. It's been a tricky balancing act. I'm giving him some money once I have access to the annuity, but I don't know how quickly that can happen, and he won't be able to move out without it.

Then I'll hire painters, replace the nasty carpet on the stairs, and have the whole thing cleaned out so it can be listed as soon as possible.

Jesse - Jan 22, 2024 11:45:24 am PST #28157 of 30000
Sometimes I trip on how happy we could be.

That's a lot, Pix. I'm glad ND can get there to be with you.

Glad you already have an earlier appointment, Susan!

A song for if you don't want to do the work today: [link]

Atropa - Jan 22, 2024 12:23:08 pm PST #28158 of 30000
The artist formerly associated with cupcakes.

I was very clever and took today off for extra recuperation from the week-long work conference, extra recuperation meaning going to the local Korean spa to soak in pools and get a body scrub. And this morning my neurologist's office contacted me to let me know they could move my Feb. 6 Botox appointment to tomorrow. I'm still two weeks overdue for the appointment, but I'm so glad to be getting the shots tomorrow.

I learned at the conference to always talk to the engineering managers about any problems my team and I have in getting feature and release notes information, because they will get very angry on our behalf and they start brainstorming ways they can automate the process in the feature development tools and force naughty bad PMs to do their job and keep the writers in the loop.

DavidS - Jan 22, 2024 12:40:20 pm PST #28159 of 30000
"Look, son, if it's good enough for Shirley Bassey, it's good enough for you."

I learned at the conference to always talk to the engineering managers about any problems my team and I have in getting feature and release notes information, because they will get very angry on our behalf and they start brainstorming ways they can automate the process in the feature development tools and force naughty bad PMs to do their job and keep the writers in the loop.

Oooh, you have a new smiting hammer!

JenP - Jan 22, 2024 12:43:19 pm PST #28160 of 30000

Very scary, especially since I want to get away from what I’ve been doing for the last ten years.

100% get that feeling, smonster.

(Not gonna lie -- I've so appreciated reading people's kind comments about my questions there and most recently, too. That really gives me a warm fuzzy, you guys, and makes me feel useful... which, who doesn't love that? [Even though I don't have actual answers.] So, thanks for saying.)

Susan, it moved up by six days as I was reading that, so I hope that keeps happening. Sending all good ~ma your way, of course.

So much to deal with, Pix. I'm glad your mom and ND will be there to help you.

David, have had so much fun reading your goings on, so glad Matilda is at a place to join, and that's a beautiful way to phrase it -- knitting a new way to be together (well, your phrasing was beautiful...)

It hit 40 degrees here today, so the pup deigned to take a walk beyond a dash out the door to pee. That was refreshing.

Atropa - Jan 22, 2024 1:00:36 pm PST #28161 of 30000
The artist formerly associated with cupcakes.

Oooh, you have a new smiting hammer!

The Director of engineering intoned at one point, "They dishonor our vampire queen".

JenP - Jan 22, 2024 3:20:34 pm PST #28162 of 30000

The Director of engineering intoned at one point, "They dishonor our vampire queen".


Sheryl - Jan 22, 2024 4:59:06 pm PST #28163 of 30000
Fandom means never having to say "But where would I wear that?"

Timelies all!

Happy birthday Windsparrow!