Well, a gathering is brie, mellow song stylings; shindig, dip, less mellow song stylings, perhaps a large amount of malt beverage, and hootenanny, well, it's chock full of hoot, just a little bit of nanny.

Oz ,'Beneath You'

Natter 77: I miss my friends. I miss my enemies. I miss the people I talked to every day.  

Off-topic discussion. Wanna talk about corsets, duct tape, butt kicking, or physics? This is the place. Detailed discussion of any current-season TV must be whitefonted.

EpicTangent - Jan 12, 2024 6:13:51 pm PST #28017 of 30000
Why isn't everyone pelting me with JOY, dammit? - Zenkitty

I'm so sorry, Lisa. So much grace and peace and comfort to you and all who loved him.

{{{Pix}}} I hope and pray things improve for you and all concerned. Much love.

NoiseDesign - Jan 13, 2024 5:43:38 am PST #28018 of 30000
Our wings are not tired

Just popping on quickly. I am out in FL today and tomorrow. We are moving him to hospice today.

Laura - Jan 13, 2024 5:58:31 am PST #28019 of 30000
Our wings are not tired.

I'm sorry, Drew. Holding you and Pix in my heart.

Shir - Jan 13, 2024 7:22:07 am PST #28020 of 30000
"And that's why God Almighty gave us fire insurance and the public defender".

All of the ~ma in your direction, Pix and family. Love and strength to you.

JenP - Jan 13, 2024 7:30:48 am PST #28021 of 30000

Holding you all close, Drew, Pix, and your dad.

smonster - Jan 13, 2024 7:45:22 am PST #28022 of 30000
We won’t stop until everyone is gay.

{{{Pix and ND}}}

Kate P. - Jan 13, 2024 8:17:07 am PST #28023 of 30000
That's the pain / That cuts a straight line down through the heart / We call it love

So much love to you, Pix and ND. I am so sorry it's come to this.

Tom Scola - Jan 13, 2024 9:30:11 am PST #28024 of 30000
Mr. Scola’s wardrobe by Botany 500

I’m so sorry. I love you both so much.

erikaj - Jan 13, 2024 10:21:58 am PST #28025 of 30000
I'm a fucking amazing catch!--Fiona Gallagher, Shameless(US)

It's natural, and sometimes expected, but that doesn't make it *fair*, right? I'm sorry to read that.

Sheryl - Jan 13, 2024 10:58:18 am PST #28026 of 30000
Fandom means never having to say "But where would I wear that?"

Timelies all!

I’m so sorry lisah.

In the “never a dull moment” category, yesterday evening Mr. S decided he was going to walk up to our room rather than taking the elevator. I don’t know exactly what happened, but somehow he fell down some stairs. Gary called 911, and the paramedics took him to the hospital. Must not have been that serious, as I was called about an hour later to pick him and Gary up. Other than falling asleep early (and skipping dinner), he seems to be fine.