Timelies all!
I’m so sorry lisah.
In the “never a dull moment” category, yesterday evening Mr. S decided he was going to walk up to our room rather than taking the elevator. I don’t know exactly what happened, but somehow he fell down some stairs. Gary called 911, and the paramedics took him to the hospital. Must not have been that serious, as I was called about an hour later to pick him and Gary up. Other than falling asleep early (and skipping dinner), he seems to be fine.
My condolences to you and your family, lisah.
Lisa, I'm so sorry. And Pix, I hope hospice is supportive for both your father and you.
Relatedly, I just got back from being out of town for a friend's father's funeral. I was close to him in college, because they were close by, so we spent a lot of weekends with them, but it had been years since I'd been out there. We were saying, more funerals than weddings from here on out.
Well, I kind of *started* there, too, but it's nothing to love.
Sending all the strength ~ma and love I've got, Pix.
Lisa, if you want to talk about this or text with someone who's also going through the loss of a father, please know I am here.
Sending you all my strength and love, Pix. May it go easily for him, and for you too.
Thank you so much, Pix. I’m so sorry you’re going through this. Would be happy to text.