Lorne: Back in Pylea they used to call me "sweet potato." Connor: Really. Lorne: Yeah, well, the exact translation was "fragrant tuber" but…

'Conviction (1)'

Natter 77: I miss my friends. I miss my enemies. I miss the people I talked to every day.  

Off-topic discussion. Wanna talk about corsets, duct tape, butt kicking, or physics? This is the place. Detailed discussion of any current-season TV must be whitefonted.

shrift - Jan 11, 2024 11:03:25 am PST #27971 of 30000
"You can't put a price on the joy of not giving a shit." -Zenkitty

I'm at the "I guess I'm not laid off so now I have to do my job" stage.

DavidS - Jan 11, 2024 11:23:51 am PST #27972 of 30000
"Look, son, if it's good enough for Shirley Bassey, it's good enough for you."

While I do not have a job, I have, in fact, been working all morning because I have guests arriving this afternoon.

So, not only did I have to clean the Guinea Pig cage by myself (and it was two days overdue. Overpoo?) But some of the Xmas eve cooking happened down in the Garden apartment and it had been left in the sink for a couple weeks. Soooo, that was a fun cleanup.

Now I just have to vacuum before they arrive and then I will whisk them off to Japantown for ramen and poking around.

EpicTangent - Jan 11, 2024 11:40:55 am PST #27973 of 30000
Why isn't everyone pelting me with JOY, dammit? - Zenkitty

Yeah I’m in the very “but I don’t WANT to do my job!” part of reacclimati g after a very slow December. But people keep wanting things from me.

Right?!? People are the worst.

I'm at the "I guess I'm not laid off so now I have to do my job" stage.

Unfortunately mixed "Yay!" with "Aw, darn!"

So, not only did I have to clean the Guinea Pig cage by myself (and it was two days overdue. Overpoo?) But some of the Xmas eve cooking happened down in the Garden apartment and it had been left in the sink for a couple weeks. Soooo, that was a fun cleanup.

Now THAT sounds like a tough job. AND you won't be paid for it. Booo!

I will whisk them off to Japantown for ramen and poking around.


DavidS - Jan 11, 2024 11:49:09 am PST #27974 of 30000
"Look, son, if it's good enough for Shirley Bassey, it's good enough for you."

Their flight came in an hour and a half early!

I had to turbo vacuum. They're in the cab from the airport.

JenP - Jan 11, 2024 11:50:44 am PST #27975 of 30000

Damn, that was a hell of a tail wind!

DavidS - Jan 11, 2024 11:51:40 am PST #27976 of 30000
"Look, son, if it's good enough for Shirley Bassey, it's good enough for you."

Damn, that was a hell of a tail wind!

Right? And it's not a long flight from Seattle to start with.

EpicTangent - Jan 11, 2024 12:00:01 pm PST #27977 of 30000
Why isn't everyone pelting me with JOY, dammit? - Zenkitty

Right? And it's not a long flight from Seattle to start with.

Seriously, that plane must have nigh-transporter capabilities!

Steph L. - Jan 11, 2024 12:27:24 pm PST #27978 of 30000
the hardest to learn / was the least complicated

Sounds more like they were catapulted (which would be a fun way to travel, although maybe not at those speeds).

Atropa - Jan 11, 2024 12:46:53 pm PST #27979 of 30000
The artist formerly associated with cupcakes.

Yeah I’m in the very “but I don’t WANT to do my job!” part of reacclimati g after a very slow December. But people keep wanting things from me.

That's the state I'm in, with bonus migraines and preparing for a trip next week to work HQ in Arizona.

JenP - Jan 11, 2024 1:08:25 pm PST #27980 of 30000

I am loopy and tired, so only low brain level work is getting done. But the pain is controlled, and that's really all I care about. I think I am lucking out with a mild case -- the vax didn't prevent, but I think it's still helping.