Aren't they something. They're like butterflies, or little pieces of wrapping paper blowing around.

Kaylee ,'Shindig'

Natter 77: I miss my friends. I miss my enemies. I miss the people I talked to every day.  

Off-topic discussion. Wanna talk about corsets, duct tape, butt kicking, or physics? This is the place. Detailed discussion of any current-season TV must be whitefonted.

Sheryl - Dec 23, 2023 1:21:19 pm PST #27585 of 30000
Fandom means never having to say "But where would I wear that?"

Timelies all!

I’m sorry, Laura.

So Mr. S has been falling asleep early lately. He fell asleep around 8 last night, then woke up around 5:30 this morning. Ugh.(Once he wakes up, he’s up and demanding stuff from us.)

Steph L. - Dec 23, 2023 2:25:23 pm PST #27586 of 30000
the hardest to learn / was the least complicated

Jesus, fuck these fucking Steelers. What the actual fuck?

JenP - Dec 23, 2023 3:25:22 pm PST #27587 of 30000

Wow, shopping was not bad at all. I think online buying has thinned the in person shopping many-fold.

In less thrilling news, I had to start taking antibiotics today for a UTI, which is fine, BUT they are playing merry hell with my already somewhat unpredictable system so... no White House for me tonight. I can pretty well gurantee that I won't be able to make it from walking from the car, standing in line, going through the WH, and walking back to the car without needing a facilities visit... and probably three. So, yeah, no. Bummer, but what can you do?

And we have solidly decided to postpone Yardley Christmas until January -- two of the five are still testing positive for Covid, so we're just calling it rather than having everything up in the air. Also a bummer, but OK.

I'm almost like, "Wait, you mean I can do anything I want on Christmas (within reason and considering a lot is closed)? WHAT?? This is unprecedented!"

Sending lots of love beaming your way, though I haven't commented a lot -- late paying customers need to step it up, FFS, health-ma to parents in hospitals, you-got-this-ma to kids finding their way, Hec & Matilda, Nilly and Shir. smonster on a not at all what you were expecting season. All of you. Holding you tight. (Or, making heart hands from a respectable distance if that's your comfort zone, bien sûr.)

Calli - Dec 23, 2023 4:59:22 pm PST #27588 of 30000
I must obey the inscrutable exhortations of my soul—Calvin and Hobbs

I hadn’t heard the Diaper POTUS. What a thing. I’d rather have Biden in diapers than TFG with immaculate sphincter control, so.

Tomorrow I head up for the family Christmas gathering. I haven’t seen my niece’s side of the family for a year and a half, which is at least 12 months too long. So I’m looking forward to it. The flight, less so. Here’s hoping that my employer will add MI to the list of approved states in 2024, so I can seek them all more often. I dyed my hair purple for Christmas. Because why not?

Sorry about the health woes, JenP. I hope your unexpectedly open Christmas is enjoyable.

sj - Dec 23, 2023 5:13:59 pm PST #27589 of 30000
"There are few hours in life more agreeable than the hour dedicated to the ceremony known as afternoon tea."

I know this is nothing compared to the Stupid thrown at POC all the live-long day, but I would give up a holiday wish to make people stop saying "I'm sorry," when I say something like "As a disabled person, I think that, maybe the whole Diaper POTUS theme, whether true or not, offends people who aren't Biden or Trump." Once in a while, well, I've been there, but more than that, American body-denial pisses me off and makes my life harder every fucking day, so I have thoughts, even if I mostly wish the two top candidates were different people on almost every level there is.(And, yeah, even as I write this, part of me wishes we'd spend next year fighting for, and over, something a bit more...perfect. Because I'm American and have mind-viruses, too. goddamn it) (to be clear, this is not where they say it. that would make sense. But I don't say these things to get back, I don't know, " Sorry you're struggling." Which kind of makes me want to say I'm not, at least not in the acute, heart-rending sense that most abled, white, Americans think struggle means. Although I do sometimes.) Just like I want to write "disability" on Facebook without a fundraising thing popping up.

Seconding all of this.

meara - Dec 23, 2023 5:51:15 pm PST #27590 of 30000

Cass that sounds very frustrating I hope you have at least one working toilet now!!

almost like, "Wait, you mean I can do anything I want on Christmas (within reason and considering a lot is closed)? WHAT?? This is unprecedented!"

I am really loving communal living with my friends. It’s my extrovert hearts desire. Today we all got up and went for a hike, then a few of us went shopping at this gay boy beach-ware store, for very Ken outfits, and ice cream. Then lots of pool and hot tub fun, now some chill downtime (some are reading, some napping, some puzzling) while waiting for dinner to be delivered. Then we are going to karaoke!

Atropa - Dec 23, 2023 7:06:28 pm PST #27591 of 30000
The artist formerly associated with cupcakes.

Laundry has been done! Hair has been dyed! Shower has been bleached after rinsing dye! Gingerbread bats have been baked!

I should probably sit down and rest now, huh?

Consuela - Dec 23, 2023 7:52:44 pm PST #27592 of 30000
We are Buffistas. This isn't our first apocalypse. -- Pix

We drove down to SJ to have dinner with my brother's family, but halfway there he texted that his FIL just tested positive. The rest of the family tested negative, so we kept on, but didn't go in the house and just ate lasagna outside on the patio.

P likes to do karaoke at Christmas, but there was no way I was doing karaoke in a house with 2 people who just got off a cruise ship.

(If anyone has seen Hell of a Cruise on Peacock, my middle brother is one of the docs they interview. I will never take a cruise, having seen that documentary.)

JenP - Dec 24, 2023 7:46:58 am PST #27593 of 30000

meara, that sounds heavenly.

Feeling similarly bleh today, now with added throat thing that could go either way. Wish me no sickness, please.

I plan to spend the day writing cards out to you lot today, so that's in keeping with the spirit of the holiday, while listening to my next installment of the Murderbot series.

Wishing a peaceful day to all.

Laura - Dec 24, 2023 9:23:24 am PST #27594 of 30000
Our wings are not tired.

I am really loving communal living with my friends. It’s my extrovert hearts desire.

A dream for this old extrovert hippie chick.

I will never take a cruise, having seen that documentary.

Oh no, I can't watch it because I do love a cruise.

I plan to spend the day writing cards out to you lot today, so that's in keeping with the spirit of the holiday

Mine have been sitting out on the table waiting for me, but now I have to wait until I can brain.

I am breathing easier today, and loving the weather that permits me to have all my windows open. Brendon just tested negative again. He is going to go and do Christmas with the family since he seems to have escaped the ick.

That's it for now. My ability to read or be on computer is still really limited.