Remember when we had time to post at work?
Some days I still do. Like today! But not like I used to, and not every day. Man I had an undemanding job 20 years ago. Which paid badly and was not otherwise rewarding and certainly dead end, but it was decidedly undemanding. I wonder what that office is like these days. That position probably shouldn't exist anymore.
My nephew, who graduated from high school in 2012 and college in 2020, so that was a longish and winding path, is now taking paralegal courses while he decides whether/how to go ahead with his law school plans that have been on hold mostly but not entirely due to pandemic related reasons. When he started the class he was uncomfortable because he's older than everyone else, but he really likes what he's learning and it should give him some good options.
There are certainly many paths after high school. I quit high school in 1972, and graduated college in 1987, so a pretty slow path. But I opened our business in 1988 with a couple decades of life/school/work experience and think I did just fine.
{{Pix}} Much love.
Oh Pix, so much love to you and Drew.
Remember when we had time to post at work?
INORITE?!?! I somehow kept up with three different boards with multiple threads and still managed to do some work. I miss a lot of those folks.
I feel like the crash in 2008 really changed things, and ever since then it’s been do more with less etc. and I guess getting older and getting more “important” jobs, or in my case, one that doesn’t involve a computer at all.
What a stupid day. My psych was out sick and somehow I got skipped being notified so I clocked out and sat in my car for 20 min for nothing. And her next available is Feb 27th, but she will do med adjustments by email. Oh really? Because I’ve been trying to use the damn patient portal and she never responds. I’ve been trying to get her to do a prior approval for Vraylar since my last appt three months ago.
And my boss is being a total sphincter about having a trash can in the bathroom so those of us that bleed or anyone who uses a wipe doesn’t have to carry a little pink bag through the shop to dispose of it. He said if he sees it overflow once he’s not going to say anything, he’s just going to throw the whole can away. ISTFG, he still acts like he’s captaining a boat and treats us like children.
We have a “bitches and complaints” section of our meeting but, you know, this is why people don’t want to bring stuff up. And he’s the only one allowed to actually be grumpy and only his wife (also works there) can check him for it.
Phew. Needed that off my chest. After the new year I will be bringing up these issues at our next meeting, because I am tired.
Those were the days.
I was not emotionally mature at 17 in a lot of ways even though I seemed that way. I would have benefitted immensely from a couple of gap years working
O hai, it me! And the school eventually agreed and I got rusticated for a year, came back part time, and failed out again. Got a couple three jobs, took a class or two, and eventually went back for real, for serious, about 5 years after my HS grad date.
I could not have fathomed doing anything other than going directly to college out of school - my mom, to her credit, would have backed me if I had wanted to do otherwise.
17 is so young. 20 is so young. There is time. The doom spiral is a danger if it really takes hold but it sounds like Alex is navigating that already so I’m betting he’ll be just fine.
Pix, that's so hard. Caregiving is a rough gig, especially when it's someone you love who is suddenly very different than the person they were.
Atropa, your dad is all right now, yes? And hopefully making sure to tell you when something is going on?
Plei, I'm sorry it's going to be a rough holiday.
And {{{hugs}}} to smonster for so many reasons. I know it hurts like a motherfucker right now, but you did a really brave thing ending that relationship.
We have a “bitches and complaints” section of our meeting but, you know, this is why people don’t want to bring stuff up. And he’s the only one allowed to actually be grumpy and only his wife (also works there) can check him for it.
I think I may have suppressed a scream here! Why do people not understand the value of actual communication? I can't even.