David, you were damn productive yesterday, just sayin'. You could stand some chill, no? Understatement of the... very long time.
Since my operative principle going forward is Spend Time Connecting and Reconnecting with People, I am letting that dictate my activity.
My friend Claudine is in town so I will wash dishes and vacuum before she arrives with her friend Gigi, so the house is somewhat presentable.
Then we'll go to Alembic.
I think that fits in with chill, since you only added vacuuming to chores. Excellent work!
I think that fits in with chill, since you only added vacuuming to chores. Excellent work!
I did all the dishes, plus the lingering (malingering?) spots of post-Thanksgiving mess, and vacuumed and dusted a bit. The house looks much better. 90 minutes of cleaning.
Also, I ran this morning.
I didn't cross anything off my to-do list except for the chores
I did organize my to-do list and added a few important items.
Timelies all!
I’m sorry for your loss, Daniel.
I immediately thought of Plei.
And here I thought I might have escaped that... :D
Holding all of you in my heart, since I can't reach you with my arms (and some of us prefer warm thoughts to warm hugs anyway).
Oof. I am sad for Past!David who wrote this on 10/24/22.
We were not safely ashore at all: [link]
Oof indeed. Safety is always an illusion, but that illusion should have lasted longer
Congratulations, WindSparrow! Well done. I’m so glad you have some official recognition for your hard work and expertise!
And here I thought I might have escaped that
I don’t think there was any chance of that
Yes, Hec. You've been thorough a hell lot.
WindSparrow, congrats!
Ceasefire is over here, for now. I guess we're back killing one another until Qatar and the US will tell us not to/this government will resign (I guess the war will continue for a while but at least there will be an achievable and acceptable end goal). I'm doing my part for the latter to happen as soon as possible.