You are such a mensch, Hecubus.
Thanks. One tries.
Most people I know would not get involved with that.
God knows I didn't
to get involved. But it was the right choice and I'm glad I did it. And I'm also glad that they still see me as a resource, something stable in their lives.
Stuck with serious thoughts all day.
May you find a pleasant diversion.
Went to see Dr. Watkins for my Red Light Treatment (which didn't hurt! Woo!)
I sang her the "Dr. Watkins" song and she was delighted and honored. "I've never had a song written about me before!"
Red Light Treatment
I have to say, this gave me an immediate image of your face, in a window Amsterdam-style, bumping and grinding with a little feather boa between your teeth.
Just got a text from Niki. Their caseworker got a placement for both of them together in San Francisco.
It's good news, but she's anxious. She doesn't know these people or what their rules/expectations will be.
I have to say, this gave me an immediate image of your face, in a window Amsterdam-style, bumping and grinding with a little feather boa between your teeth.
That is a remarkably accurate description of the actual treatment.
I heard that Amsterdam's trying to deter the most badly behaved tourists, especially to the red light district - increasing fees for tourists. They've also banned British bachelor parties from the district.
Well, I tried the diversion helped a little. It can be hard when your working life and your home life is, like, just this big ball of stuff.
David, those girls are so lucky to have you in their corner right now. You are a good human.
On my end I've been working overnights on an install project, as well as trying to keep the main business stuff running during the day and I'm beat.
Hope the placement works out for the girls, David. They are so lucky to have you.
My Dad, whose movement is now very limited due to Parkinson’s, evidently broke his hip in a fall last week. He really hasn’t wanted to go to the hospital and didn’t seem to be in a lot of pain but he was reluctant to put weight on his leg and we took him to his PCP on Monday. PCP ordered X-rays and called today to say take him to the ER (best way to get him into see an orthopedist). So now he’s having a partial hip replacement tomorrow. His blood pressure is cookoo but the doctors think he’ll be fine with the surgery. And I’m worried he won’t be strong enough to go through PT and get some mobility back. Good thoughts sent his way would be much appreciated.
Oof, best thoughts to your dad, Lisa.
Their caseworker got a placement for both of them together in San Francisco.
Oh wow, that's great news. Hope it works out!
Soccer team A arrived to one of the hotels where one kibbutz was evacuated to. That kibbutz was traditionally a fan of soccer team B. One of the elders saw the team gives merch to the excited kids and muttered, dead serious, "good thing Haim was kidnapped. He'd die if he was here now".
Ah, that sounds like my family's style. No situation too serious to find something to make a joke about.
I now have Red Light Special by TLC in my head.