Oof, best thoughts to your dad, Lisa.
Their caseworker got a placement for both of them together in San Francisco.
Oh wow, that's great news. Hope it works out!
Soccer team A arrived to one of the hotels where one kibbutz was evacuated to. That kibbutz was traditionally a fan of soccer team B. One of the elders saw the team gives merch to the excited kids and muttered, dead serious, "good thing Haim was kidnapped. He'd die if he was here now".
Ah, that sounds like my family's style. No situation too serious to find something to make a joke about.
I now have Red Light Special by TLC in my head.
So much healing~ma for your dad, lisah. The PT folks are amazing and great at handling stubborn patients. I hope they keep him in rehab long enough to get significant improvement.
Lots of health~ma for your dad, lisah.
Ah, that sounds like my family's style. No situation too serious to find something to make a joke about.
My family as well. I can remember my BIL getting furious with my sister because we were making "inappropriate" jokes when my dad was in the hospital. Maybe it's a defense mechanism, but even if not these thoughts just happen!
Timelies all!
Down in the lobby again, since Mr.S was hitting and kicking me. As for when we can go back to the house, well, the insurance company signed off on the estimate. Now we need to meet with the restoration contractor to choose the materials. After that, another waiting game.
Yikes, Sheryl. This does not sound like it is being resolved very quickly. No doubt the disruption is hard on Mr. S too.
Glad I'm not the only one, Jesse.
Good meeting tonight, but it does remind me of Pat Conroy saying the hard thing about being liberal is the people you end up being friends with. Good lord.
Feel better, lisa's dad.
lisah and Sheryl, ~ma to you.
A great birthday week with much cause for celebration. Today we celebrate Fiona! Happy birthday, and may this day and the year to come be filled with joy.
Healing~ma for your dad, Lisa.
Happy birthday, Fiona!
It's a beautiful fall day here, and the cats are curled up with their tails over their noses, because it's ~2 degrees F cooler inside than it has been. The boys have fur. My sympathy is limited.