After my grandmother died, we had boxes of her things (mostly antiques) in the basement for YEARS.
And, Atropa, I thought of you the other day - one of the local columnists was remembering when she was a teenager driving her friends around and the car smelled of Aquanet and clove cigarettes.
Amy, that's alarming. I'm not sure if my stories of proximity to manhunts would make things better or worse so I'll refrain. (They're probably better told orally anyway).
I read a poem last night that called an avocado the smallest unit of grief. "It's rock and ripe and gone; rock and ripe and gone." That's going to keep bouncing around in my brain for a while until I figure out how it fits into files and records.
And, Atropa, I thought of you the other day - one of the local columnists was remembering when she was a teenager driving her friends around and the car smelled of Aquanet and clove cigarettes.
Whooo, that gave me flashbacks to 1990. I should put on one of my clove cigarette perfumes.
Grief hits when it wants to hit. I used to call my Dad from my car all the time. It's been 15 years now, and I'll still go to call him at time. Usually it's bitter sweet, but sometimes I get sideswiped by it and end up sobbing while I'm sitting in LA traffic.
Aw, Aquanet. My mom had the big pink canister for years in the 70s.
aurelia, it's a bit disturbing they haven't found him yet, but he's keeping to a heavily wooded area. He's also wanted in two other states, and at home in Bolivia for yet another murder. Like I said, good times.
Yay Tim, recovering like a champ! And with a whole convent on his side, complications didn't stand a chance.
Holy crap, Amy! I just saw they closed Longwood Gardens because of that guy.
I just now read they think he's hiding in there. Oh, and his home country is Brazil, not Bolivia.
Congrats on the new house, Atropa! I hope the unpacking is not as never ending as it seems.
My dad died 18 years ago last month, and every so often I'll read a book that some part of my brain still tags as "This would be a perfect Christmas present for Dad!"
“With the power of Nilly and a convent full of nuns…anything is possible!” Love it.
Unlike most of y’all I am freezing cold. It’s 66 outside and I think chillier in my office and my fingers are like ice. Reminding myself I’d rather this than 100 and humid though. Also sitting on my new seat cushion because my butt was hurting and I decided maybe my 16 year old office chair could use some help.