Cass! I'm glad you're doing better, but yikes!I am with you on both.
I hope all is under control now. You may recall a bit over 7 years ago I had my first and only grand mal seizure. Medications are a no go for me for a number of reasons, but I have been able to keep it from happening again by being super mindful of stress and an absolutist about getting my sleep. My Neurologist said he could off the record suggest marijuana for me since the meds were such an issue for me. Anyway, main point, sending much love and whatever ~ma you need.I do remember that. It was scary.
I've been practicing the lowered stress thing. Honestly it's why the Boy (oh, there is a guy. but we doesn't like labels so I've settled on Boy since it's hilarious given he is a decade older than me.) didn't realize there was a problem until just before it was really bad. I'm relaxed around him.
And sleep is the only thing that has worked for my depression, so it's key. Sometimes I need meds to sleep but I have maintained really good sleep hygiene with them for a long, long time. So that's okay.
My job doesn't approve of the wacky weed but my state definitely does, as does the Boy. Tinctures are neat.
Though I've been off that, caffeine, alcohol and don't smoke since the hospital. Not that it was decreed, just seemed like a good idea. I blithely drank an iced tea with my sandwich after the ER and couldn't sleep for hours.
Medications: They upped the gabapentin that I take for nerve pain from twice a day to three times a day. The beta blocker, metopropol, I took somewhere between as needed and once-a-day got upped to twice a day. Nothing specifically for the seizures per the second ER and an actual neurologist although I was on keppra (levetiracetam) and tolerated it well while hospitalized in a place without a neurology dept.
So far the worst I've had happen is a few arm crawls. Can't always stand up super fast either. I need to not get stressed or tired and I need to eat every few hours but given the situation, I feel good. I've been myself since the 4th and I'm not letting that change.